FAQ: Custom Fields

FAQs > Custom Fields

You can add custom fields to your ask forms. eg. add extra fields for a user name, surname, age, etc.

Manage Custom Fields


1. Add New

Add a new custom field by clicking on this button. You will be taken to a new page with fields to fill in. See documentation on adding a custom field below.

2. Order Fields

You can order the fields in the order you want it to display on the ask form. By clicking on this button you will be redirected to another page where you can drag and drop the fields in the way you want it to display.

3. Bulk Actions

Perform some bulk actions on your custom fields. By selecting the check boxes next to the custom field id you can perform bulk actions to the selected custom fields. You can either delete, set as required or not required by performing the bulk action.

4. Search Fields

Sometimes you have more than one page of custom fields and need to edit a certain field. You can then search for the field and the search results will come up.

5. Custom Fields

This is where you can view and manage all your saved custom fields.

Add a Custom Field


With mqTranslate installed and activated you will be able to translate each custom field under the flag tabs.

1. Title

Fill in a title of your custom field for identification.

2. Slug

The slug name will not display on the frontend, it’s for database and internal purposes.

3. Caption/ Description

If you need to add a description for a custom field, you can fill in this field. It’s optional and will be added underneath the custom field.

4. Field Type

Here you select the input type of the custom field. The following field types are available to choose from: Text Input, Checkboxes List, Radio Buttons List, Select Drop Down or Textarea Box.

5. Required

Select whether this field is mandatory or not. It will add a small asteriks next to the field to show it’s a required field.

6. Error Message

Add an error message which will display when this required field is not filled in.

7. Save Custom Field

After filling in all the fields for adding a custom field, you can click on the save button to save your custom field.

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