How to Host an Effective Live Virtual Event

It is no secret that a great number of businesses have turned to a remote format making it more commonplace for events and conferences that would have once been held in person to now be hosted on virtual platforms. Professional training seminars, corporate events, and the like can all still be effective events via virtual means as long as they are planned and executed in the right manner.

For many professionals out there, the planning and hosting of virtual events is uncharted territory. It is important to bear in mind that doing so involves much more than simply scheduling your event and dialing in at the designated time. To make your planning and management easier you should definitely use an event management platform like EventMobi.

Here are a few tips to help you to host a virtual event that is just as effective as you need it to be.


Think from the Audience’s Perspective

When you are in the midst of trying to plan a live virtual event, it is easy to get caught up in the minutia of what you are going to say and do when the event begins. However, it is just as important to give due consideration to the perspective of your audience members. Just as you have likely had limited experience creating such an event, your audience will most likely be relatively new to the experience as well.

Moreover, your audience will probably be tuning in from their typical remote working location. For many people these days, that location is home. There are a great many distractions that can arise when a person is in their home, so if your event is going to last more than an hour or two, it is important that you add in features that make it easier for your audience members to remain engaged.

For instance, live captions can help audience participants to stay engaged in the event. This is because reading the information while it is being spoken engages the brain more fully in the information that is being presented. Furthermore, technical complications can and do arise. Whether it is on your end or on that of one of your audience members, you want to ensure that everyone can still get the information being presented even if audio malfunctions.


Don’t Skimp on Promotions

When you are still in the planning stages of your event, you need to ensure that you give due consideration to the manner in which you promote it. Don’t be surprised to find that most people are going to be less enthused about online events than they would have been about in-person ones. Therefore, you need to do what you can to get the word out in creative and exciting ways.

Social media can be an excellent place to promote your event. You should certainly post information about it on your company’s profile page, and targeted ads can help to spread the word. Make sure that your promotions reflect an exciting and upbeat take on the event you are organizing.

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