Key Factors to Consider For Your Content Strategy

Content marketing continues to grow on digital platforms as these connect consumers and businesses at a click of a button. Content marketing is the method of marketing your product or service in an interactive and engaging form such as blogs, videos, podcasts and graphics.

Content strategy requires planning, research and a consideration of various factors for your business to enjoy the rewards, which often mean an increase in sales and market growth.

Here are some factors to consider for your content strategy.


  1. Business Goals

The first execution point for content strategy is your business goals. You need to list down what you aim to achieve through content marketing. Some examples of business goals include:

  • Increase in sales
  • Business branding
  • Positive customer interaction
  • Competition strategy
  • Reputation management

Slickplan offers tips to guide you in content planning and make sure that what you create is aligned to your goals. Remember, your business goals will directly determine the type of content that you will produce. For example, if your business goal is reputation management after a crisis, you won’t market your service or product as much as when the goal is to increase sales.


  1. Audience

Your content strategy has to be aligned with your audience, meaning you need to do in-depth research. If your audience is of a young demographic, your strategy can include using slang words and social media language, for example. On the other hand, an older generation may require a different approach.

Your audience will also determine the platforms where you’ll upload your content. If your audience is comprised of business owners, you may have a larger following on social media platforms such as LinkedIn than you would on Instagram. This can only be determined by doing research to determine which online platforms are most frequented by various groups. Once you have this information, you can efficiently market your product.


  1. Competitors

Before you produce content, you need to analyse your competition. You may be sharing the same audience so you want to make sure that your business presents unique content and keeps the audience engaged. You’ll have to think outside the box, while still keeping aligned with your market.

You should assess the kind of language that your competitors use, the topics that they discuss, the angles they use to approach these subjects, and the responses from the audience. This information will help you plan your content based on the mistakes that your competitors have made that you can avoid, as well as ideas that may not have been executed by competitors.


  1. Content Length

A part of studying your audience is to ascertain how long your content should be. You may produce a brilliantly written article that is unique and engaging. However, if your audience doesn’t have the time to read through two thousand words, your article will be looked over for a shorter read.

To determine how long your content should be—whether in form of writing, video or audio— research the content that has the most interaction from the audience. Study how long these pieces are and set an average length that receives the most engagement. If a 2000-word article did not get any reviews, while a seven-hundred-word piece attracted an audience, you can use your discretion as to whether the length had any contributing factor to this.



The factors that you should consider when strategizing content include your business goals, audience, competitors and the length of your content. Content generation requires research, preparation as well as trial and assessment for you to reach the success level that you set out for. Make sure to use as many material aides that can guide you through the process.

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