Category: Business

How And Why To Start Your Own Company As A Successful Freelance Web Developer

There are over 30 million small businesses in the United States, accounting for 99% of all businesses across the country. Truly, small businesses are the backbone of America’s economy, yet for thousands of developers, the leap from freelance work to starting your own company can be a daunting one. Starting a company presents a number […]

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3 Expert Ways to Improve Your WordPress Website

Thanks to the ease of website builders, such as WordPress, it is more than possible to make your own website in minutes. However, if you don’t see the results you want, then it might be time to take your WordPress website to the next level. If so, be sure to put the advice laid out […]

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Key Steps To Success For eCommerce Businesses

The world of eCommerce is growing every day, with more and more merchants taking their business from physical to online shops, keeping up with the changing times. This is a smart business decision, as by the year 2040, as much as 95% of shopping will be facilitated by eCommerce. However, since the eCommerce market is […]

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How to Market Your Business Merger Online

Business mergers are very complex entities, and many customers are wary of them. After all, the very makeup of their favourite brand is about to change. Most of the time the change feels like a shock before they either get accustomed to it or leave. Very rarely is a merger something so wholly good for […]

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How to Manage Epics in Kanban

Traditional project management tends to be structured based on due dates. If work is finished ahead of schedule, the entire schedule has to be changed. You run the risk of idle team members or people working on unimportant tasks until other dependent tasks on the timeline are completed. The best solution here is to set […]

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5 Essential Productivity Tips for Small Business Owners

Description: As a small business owner, your priority is to save time and money but still grow your business. You can do all that and still achieve your business’s productivity. You have to learn essential tips for success such as delegation, doing things online, avoiding distraction, doing a single task at a time and prioritizing on […]

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Top 8 Coding Apps To Learn Programming

Programming is imperative when it comes to learning how to innovate, create solutions for global problems, connect people, and a lot more. In short, it helps in speeding up the input and output processes in a machine. It also enables you to develop the ability to automate, collect, manage, analyze the data and information correctly. […]

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Neat Ideas to Help With Website Monetization

A lot of people read about successful entrepreneurs and how they make money on the internet. This leads to ideas that developing a website and making money is not a problem. While there are plenty of those who see success, not everyone manages to achieve this success. It usually comes down to poor market research […]

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What Hiring Managers Should Know About Cybersecurity

If you’re a hiring manager in search of cybersecurity professionals for your organization, you can try a number of different strategies. Many positions in IT, and cybersecurity in particular, benefit from an inherent flexibility that makes it possible to work from anywhere. If you and your organization are able to offer work-from-home options to your […]

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A Beginner Guide to Creating a WordPress eCommerce Website

If you have an existing brick-and-mortar company or want to start a business online from scratch, eCommerce can be highly profitable for your business. Before heading into selling products online, you need to create an eCommerce web app. However, it can be a daunting task if you have never done this before. So, with this […]

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