Category: Marketing & Social
Top WordPress Marketing Tips and Tricks
WordPress is the king among the leading CMS, undoubtedly. WebsiteSetup reveals this platform held 59.7% of the entire market at the end of 2018. There were more than 22.6 million active sites created and 313,000 pages in the top one million of all websites on the Internet. It means that people used WP to create […]
Continue ReadingTips to Draw Visitors to Your Blog
Setting up a blog is but one step in the process; hoping that search engines will find your sparkling content and bring in visitors is a doomed-to-fail strategy. Research by the Content Marketing Institute shows that those without a written content marketing strategy plan will seriously jeopardize your chances of success: written plan, 60% chance, […]
Continue ReadingContent Marketing Optimization: Complete Guide For 2019
With the digitalization of about everything, the scope and need of content marketing optimization has increased many folds. Content marketing optimization plays a vital role in reaching out to the target audience for which the content has been designed. Before we dive into what are the different tools that are used for content marketing optimization, […]
Continue ReadingHow to Personalize Your Blog
Your blog should be the best-possible multimedia representation of yourself and your character. It’s an opportunity to share your photographs and your visual art, your memories and stories, and any insights you’d like to present to the world. It’s a blank canvas where you can display your unique talents and skills. The question remains: how […]
Continue ReadingAwesome Things You Can Get with the Best WordPress Themes for Digital Marketing
Being an entrepreneur means finding new ways of promoting your goods and services. In today’s world, with the presence of the Internet, spreading the word about goods has definitely become easier than it used to be. Internet marketing is definitely one of the most effective tools for this. Yet, it is not the only one. […]
Continue Reading5 Ways to Keep Your Selling Skills Sharp
Sales is a competitive business. Your income is directly tied to how well you do, and you could lose traction at work if your performance doesn’t match your peers. Whether you are looking to take on more responsibility and more prominent clients at your job or you just want to sharpen your sales skills to […]
Continue ReadingTop 5 Marketing Tips That Will Get You More Traffic
If you are a webmaster who wants to increase site traffic, then digital marketing is definitely the right way to go. Although it takes a lot of time and effort to create a good marketing strategy, the result is definitely worth it. According to the study, digital marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and […]
Continue ReadingHow to Increase Your Social Media Follows from Your WordPress Site
Nowadays, if you manage/ own a WordPress site, you can’t rely only on it in order to increase your traffic and such. Moreover, if you are the owner of an online shop/ business, you will most likely want to have your social media as popular as your WordPress site. Basically, even if your site is […]
Continue ReadingRisk Management in Projects – Why Companies Need to Identify All Potential Risks
Each time a company tackles a new project, the goal is for it to be successful, of course. There is plenty of thought and planning that goes into each project, steps are often clearly laid out, milestones are set, and tracking mechanisms are put in place. But before the project even gets off the ground, […]
Continue ReadingMoney Management Basics for New Home Buyers
Do you dream of having your own home,a place where you feel secure and happy and can take charge of your own destiny? Buying a home is a more complex process than renting, and you’re taking on a major commitment that you’ll be responsible for, for many years to come. Investing money each month towards […]
Continue ReadingWordPress Plugins
Start selling products, sending newsletters, publishing ads, and more through your own WordPress website using our premium WordPress plugins.