Web Hosting Trends in 2020 Which Your Website Can Benefit From

With global competition among web hosting companies, they are forced to constantly upgrade hardware, software, and security protocols to stay in the race for attracting prospective clients. Websites and blogs want to get the highest possible search results ranking to make a profit and for this, they need hosting providers, to whom they paid to take care of their web platforms in terms of stability and visibility, to introduce new and enhanced features in their services.

Web hosts quickly figured this out and some of them started to give clients out-of-the-box experiences and focus on innovations in their hosting plans, helping clients to boost their online presence. Let’s take a look at what are the trends in the hosting industry pouring from 2019 to 2020 and how they make the most of web content.


  1. Green Web Hosting

User-generated content (also known as UGC) is hosted on servers, most of which are placed in data centers that need to be maintained in cool, controlled environments, requiring a large amount of energy and significant carbon dioxide (CO2) output. This makes them less than optimal for our environment. Green web hosting refers to web hosts actively trying to contribute to environmental health and implement carbon offset standards. At the moment, there are 529 green hosting companies in 63 countries.

The primary means by which web hosts help the environment is via renewable energy produced through natural resources such as sunlight, wind or even water. They are naturally complementary and their conversion to use requires no fossil fuel combustion, resulting in highly efficient and clean energy. Green hosts use eco-friendly servers, routers, and other devices on low energy consumption policies and recycle and reuse wherever possible. Web hosts reduce negative impacts on the environment by gaining carbon offset certificates such as Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) or Voluntary Emission Reductions (VER) green credits.


  1. Cloud Hosting

Cloud is a concept where shared resources, software, and information are always available on-demand using network infrastructure. Cloud hosting is the technology of hosting websites or applications on virtual servers that draw their resources from the networks of a large number of hardware servers. Simply put, cloud hosting allows you to use as much as you want out of the total amount of resources available through virtualization. Basically, you’re leasing resources.

Cloud hosting is much stronger than VPS hosting, it’s also more expensive. Don’t worry about the price. With cloud hosting it always meets value, and you can find many good deals for your site at Emit.reviews. With this type of hosting, it’s very easy to increase packages (the size of the package depends on your website’s traffic), while stability with this type of hosting is 100%. The stability is so high because it isn’t tied to just one physical server.


  1. Virtualization in Web Hosting

Hosting solutions based on VPS (Virtual Private Server) have become one of the most dominant trends in the hosting industry because they offer better customization options, they’re easy to configure, and give access to admins to higher levels of security on the web. One of the top-notch VPS solutions for your website is included in packages of DMCA ignored hosting providers. Servers of these companies are located in data centers offshore, which means in countries out of the reach of DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) notices. Logically, this is important for websites that need a host for content that might be against DMCA regulations, such as political, adult, or gambling content.

Server virtualization is a technology that’s simple in concept, easy to apply, and brings significant advancement in the operation of any data center. The whole idea behind the virtualization story comes down to the following: instead of using one operating system and one instance of the application per server, the software is actually added as a layer below everything. This software is better known as a hypervisor and allows us to run multiple operating systems simultaneously with load control on a single physical server. Prior to server virtualization, company data centers were far less efficient, not only because of their larger electricity bills but also because of the robust job of migrating data from a physical server to another server, nearly twice as much unused resources, speed of service delivery on given computers, etc.

The virtualization process has brought a great benefit precisely because it allows the server to run multiple operating systems at the same time, modern applications housed in containers can be easily migrated from one server to another and use the otherwise underutilized power of computing the server they are on. The benefits of virtualization are many: reducing the cost of data center and server operations, reducing the number of physical servers, reducing the cost of maintaining hardware and electricity, better utilization of hardware running virtualization, and reduced investment in new hardware. Virtualization also brings with it great availability, failover system, speed, scalability, durability and performance, and, of course, the flexibility that’s the key to the advanced web services required today.


  1. Hardware Upgrades

Unlike web hosts who were using HDD (Hard Disk Drive) technology to store data, today’s hosting providers use super-fast SSD (Solid State Disk) technology and cutting-edge processors in their servers. HDD uses a rotating board and a mechanical arm (similar to a turntable), while SSD uses non-volatile flash memory (microchips). With an SSD, the server can quickly find and select the pieces of data it needs. The SSD does everything HDD does, but the data is stored on interconnected flash memory chips that hold the data even when there’s no power.

What does this mean for your website? For dynamic websites and those with high traffic, access time is of the utmost importance – it takes time to locate the data area first before it can be read or written. Many websites have been created on open-source web applications such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal because of their ease of use, flexibility and the ability to customize their appearance with a large selection of free themes and plugins. When a user visits dynamic web pages such as pages on WordPress, the visit triggers queries by base and content at the same time. With standard web hosting packages that use classic hard drives, access is slow due to their mechanical movement. With SSDs, data is read and written at the same time. So, the browsing experience will be much more enjoyable thanks to shorter loading times. In addition to speed, SSDs are safer and more reliable than HDDs. Unlike mechanical hard drives that can easily corrupt resulting in complete loss of data, the SSD simply prevents further write access in the event of a problem, while previously stored data is still readable.


  1. New Authentication and Security Protocols

Setting up HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) as an extension of the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) for a website is one step closer to a more secure site. In addition to many other reasons to use the standard SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) security technology to establish an encrypted connection to the server, there’s one related to Google search. Google better positions all websites that have already set up SSL and use HTTPS instead of HTTP.

There are several criteria by which the differences between HTTP and HTTPS protocols can be determined, but there’s one major difference – security: HTTP isn’t a secure protocol and allows hackers to easily access sensitive information from your website, while HTTPS is designed to prevent such situations. To be able to force SSL on your website, you need to have an SSL certificate for your domain, install it on the server and change the permalinks from http to https. When it comes to new authentication protocols, most web hosts have introduced a 2-step authentication process, instructing users to submit a code that’s sent to their phone number or email for extra protection. Furthermore, there are advanced captchas or puzzles to prove you aren’t a robot before you access a website.

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