WordPress Mailing List Plugin v3.6

This announcement has already been posted on the old Tribulant Software blog, though I’m posting it here since the Tribulant RSS news feed has been changed to the RSS feed of this new blog which was created yesterday. In other words, the news shown on the dashboard page of the Mailing List plugin inside your own WordPress installation will also change to the feed of this blog automatically.

The WordPress Mailing List plugin v3.6 was released on the 10th of June with a long list of fixes and improvements, together with a few new features such as PayPal paid subscriptions and a new offsite subscription form wizard in the administration section. Please feel free to view the WordPress Mailing List plugin change log for a detailed overview of changes made in the last release.

As usual, if you are already a customer of the WordPress Mailing List plugin, please login at the Tribulant website and head over to the downloads management section to obtain your free update. If you are not already a customer, you can purchase the plugin now with a 40% discount which is only valid until the 20th of June 2008.

Thank you for all your support, feedback and suggestions. Please keep those comments coming since a new version is already being developed and your comments help to create a powerful, usable and reliable product all round.

WordPress Plugins

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