15 Powerful WordPress Marketing Tips (That Actually Work)

Do you have a WordPress website?

How do you promote it?

You’re probably doing the same things that everyone else is doing. You share links to your posts on social media. And, you have floating social media buttons on all pages. You write cool headlines and you call your readers to action.

Everything seems right.

Yet, you’re not achieving impressive results.

It may be because you’re following the same old marketing tips that don’t bring anything else to the table.

Are you ready for more actionable tips?

We’ll list 15 specific things that you can start doing today.


15 Marketing Tips for WordPress


Speed Up the Loading Time by Optimizing Images

When thinking about improving your marketing strategies, posting more content and sharing on social media are not the only priorities you have.

WordPress website owners rarely think about organic search ranking factors. The speed of your website matters a lot.

Big images slow it down.

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take a screenshot on a Mac or use professional photographs to enhance the quality of your posts. By all means, do that! However, it’s best to use a WordPress plugin that reduces file sizes without affecting their quality.


Create an Editorial Calendar

Are you randomly sharing new content when you feel inspired?

That’s not good for your marketing efforts.

You want to keep reminding your target audience that you’re there, covering every issue in the niche.

Make an editorial calendar and stick to it. It will require daily work on your WordPress site. But if you want to make this project successful, it’s the commitment that you’ll have to make.


Fix Broken Links

Google’s bots will notice the broken links on your website. You may forget all about them, but Google keeps track and it considers them a bad sign to your site’s reputation.

You don’t need to check each link manually. That’s a hard thing to do, especially if you’ve published a lot of content so far. There are many WordPress plugins that automatically check for broken links and give you a report on them.


Enable the Comment Subscription Feature

You want engagement on your WordPress site. Getting loads of comments is a sign of success. Make sure to use an anti-spam though and ensure to manually approve comments before allowing them on your site.

When someone leaves a comment, they might want to get notified on the responses. Maybe they will ask a question or trigger a discussion.

Use a plugin that informs your readers about follow-up comments!


Set up a Custom Homepage

WordPress design is rarely mentioned as an important marketing technique.

You assume that you can design a basic website and promote it to success. So you allow WordPress to use your latest post as the home page.

That gives your website such a plain appearance that it’s painful to look at.

You have the power to change that. And, you can create a custom homepage that will look much more professional.


Show Post Summaries on the Homepage

You’ll create a homepage, but what will you show on it?

It’s best to go for a simple design that showcases multiple posts. You can show them in categories: Latest, Most Popular, and special categories by theme.

Make sure to include a small summary that tells what the article is about. It should trigger the viewer’s desire to read more.



Take Your Time to Respond to Comments

Did you know that comment responses are great for SEO?

First of all, they add to the word count. If you have a lengthy discussion under a post, it gives more value to the audience.

However, the comments must not have any spam. Google’s bots are good at recognizing it. Respond only when you can bring value to the discussion and when someone asks a question. Don’t write responses such as “thanks, bro!”


Use a Theme that has a Mobile-Responsive Design

It’s not just because Google puts mobile design first. It’s because your audience demands it.

You might be wondering: how is this a marketing tip?

Mobile-friendly WordPress design may bring massive changes in your site’s performance. If you implement search engine optimization strategies, they will be more effective on mobile-friendly design. People use their phones to search for information, so Google will offer your pages only if they are suitable to see on a mobile device.


Don’t Skip the A/B Testing

A/B testing seems too complex to WordPress beginners. That’s why most of them avoid it, and it’s a big mistake.

Yes; it takes more time to create similar pages and test them on different audiences to see what works. However, a single screenshot on a Mac or a change in the headline may make a big difference.

Use a plugin for A/B testing; it will automate the process and you’ll easily understand the reports.


Feature the Date of Publication (or Last Update) for Each Post

If you offer valuable content, you want bloggers to link to it.

But before they do that, they want to make sure the information in that article is still relevant.

If you’re publishing case studies, research articles, or any other kind of content with timing that matters, feature the date.

To keep evergreen posts relevant, update them with fresh information. You can change the update date, and they will still be attractive for linking and reading.


Choose an Awesome Facebook Thumbnail Image

If you don’t set up a specific Facebook Thumbnail, the platform will choose a random image from your post. That’s usually the featured image, and it might be good. However, it might not fit Facebook’s thumbnail format.

Make an effort to choose a specific Facebook thumbnail that will attract the attention of your target reader!


Google Analytics Is Your BFF

Google Analytics is not just for commercial websites that make a lot of money. It’s an essential tool for any WordPress site.

There are several WordPress apps that integrate Google Analytics in your daily routine. You’ll get valuable data on traffic numbers, bounce off rates, conversions, and all kinds of engagement.


Don’t Forget the XML Sitemap

Your website may have the most impressive content in your niche. If Google can’t index it, not many people will find it.

People who start blogs without having much experience in web design often skip the sitemap. Don’t do that. It’s important, since it shows Google’s bots what your website offers.


Add Images in the Sidebar

A sidebar contributes to a more appealing design. It makes the page narrower, so the text is easier to read. However, it also gives you an opportunity to engage your visitor with more content.

Use images in this section. The visual elements make your site prettier, but they also attract the viewer’s eye.


Revive Old Posts

Let’s say you wrote an article about Joaquin Phoenix five years ago. So, now that he won an Oscar and his name is trending, you can revive that post.

If necessary, you can update the content to make it more relevant. Share it on social media, and you’ll get more traffic without much effort.



Did you like these marketing tips? All of them are easy to implement in your routine.

Therefore, there’s no excuse not to make the effort.

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