WordPress 3.0.4 Security Update
Some of you may noted a notification message at the top of your WordPress dashboard saying that WordPress 3.0.4 is available and that you should update. They released this yesterday (29 Dec ’10) and it is recommended that you upgrade asap. This important security update fixes a core bug in WordPress HTML sanitation and it […]
Continue Reading2010 Newsletter
First of all, thank you for sharing a great year with us. We’ve been up and down, barely touching ground with heaps of work that had to be done and wow, has it been an experience! For us it is all about coming online each and every day to offer support on some of the […]
Continue ReadingWordPress Shopping Cart plugin v1.5.5
UPDATE: This release had a parse error due to a variable conflict in PHP. If you installed v1.5.5 and you experienced this problem, please re-download as a fix has been applied. We apologize for any inconvenience caused! It is better and faster, here is the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin v1.5.5 with loads of new features […]
Continue ReadingWordPress FAQ plugin v1.4.3
Its great to announce the new WordPress FAQ plugin v1.4.3 which is a minor release with some fixes and new features. You can read the online release notes to see a detailed list of changes to this release. Let me tell you more about some of the highlights.
Continue ReadingSnow on your website this festive season
We believe it is essential to live the festive holiday spirit together with everyone else so we quickly built a WordPress Snow Storm plugin which you can install on your WordPress website to display falling snow. Unfortunately, we don’t get snow here in South Africa so for us this is a nice little touch as […]
Continue ReadingWordPress 3.0.2 Compatibility
WordPress 3.0.2 has been released which is a mandatory security update for your current version of WordPress. We highly recommend that you upgrade to this new version of WordPress to keep your websites safe from being compromised. You can get the latest version here or do it through an automatic upgrade on your blog. All […]
Continue ReadingWordPress Slideshow Gallery v1.1.1
We are glad to announce that we released a long-awaited update for the WordPress Slideshow Gallery plugin last week and it has been available in the WordPress.org plugins directory since. This release was prepared with several bug fixes and some great new features to make your slideshow gallery management even easier than before. You can […]
Continue ReadingOctober 2010 Newsletter
What a great feeling it is to be back here writing the monthly newsletter. Let us tell you what happened throughout the month of October 2010 and highlight some of the important events. It has been a really, really busy month developing new builds of our WordPress plugins, offering support and just pulling strings all […]
Continue ReadingWordPress Shopping Cart plugin v1.5.3
Woohoo! This new release of the WordPress shopping cart plugin is jam packed with loads of new features and improvements compared to its predecessor. For a full list of changes made to v1.5.3 of the Shopping Cart plugin, please see the release notes in our documentation.
Continue ReadingWordPress Newsletter plugin v3.8.4
After much hard work and testing, this new release (v3.8.4) of the WordPress Newsletter plugin is available for all of you to enjoy. You guys have requested some awesome features and again we decided that it is essential to implement the features that our users want and not necessarily what we want. After all, you […]
Continue ReadingBeautiful Newsletter Templates
Professional newsletter templates that are fully responsive for desktop, tablet, and mobile. They are 100% cross-client compatible.