How To Enhance Your WordPress Website

There are around 75,000,000 WordPress websites on the internet. That’s a lot of people using WordPress! The thing is, it’s not really surprising that WordPress is so popular because it offers so many great features. With WordPress, you don’t have to have professional computer skills to build a professional looking website. However, just because WordPress […]

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3 Business Ideas You Can Start with a Few Hundred Dollars

So, you’ve decided you’re going to bootstrap an epic entrepreneurial endeavor by launching your first small business with no more than a few hundred dollars to invest. That might seem like a pipe dream to someone who’s never started a business from the ground up without any external funding, but rest assured it is a […]

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7 Tips for Making the Most Out of Your Mobile Advertising

Marketing in general is a hefty task for any business. Taking into account developments in technology and the rise of various advertising methods, such as mobile, makes it a whole lot trickier. Especially for start-ups and entrepreneurs, mobile advertising is daunting and very easy to get wrong. The following tips are designed to help you […]

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What You Need To Have When You Want To Start A Blog

People start a blog for different reasons. Generally, a blog is an online platform that showcases a person’s written content. A blog can cover a wide variety of topics – from politics, fashion, or your passions and hobbies. While some do it to earn money, others are using their blogs as a platform to share […]

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How To Effectively Measure The Impact Of Your Social Media Marketing Campaign

Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the plethora of data produced by platform-native social media analytics? Can you fathom which part of your video campaign prompted the most engagements? Social media platforms are built for analytics. Which is great; if you can crunch numbers. But for mere mortals, analysing results can feel a little overwhelming. […]

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Minimalist Packaging: Why It’s The New Packaging Trend

Minimalism is one of the latest trends in packaging design. You can hone your brand by keeping your product design elements to a minimum and creating a striking and long-lasting impression among consumers. Minimalist packaging design is here to stay, which allows the product’s integrity to shine through. Below are the reasons why minimalist packaging […]

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How to Be a Better Social Marketer

As a social marketer, it’s your job to change or maintain a single person’s behavior in a bid to benefit society as a whole. This means that you know just how big of an impact the smallest of details can make. You also know that saying something seemingly inconsequential to one person behind closed doors […]

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Tips On Creating A Marketing CRM Strategy For Your Business

A marketing customer relationship management (CRM) strategy based on a robust application or software is beneficial for any business or sales pipeline. For starters, it allows an organization to automate marketing tasks and streamline the lead nurturing and acquisitions process. In this brief, we take a look at a few tips on creating a foundational […]

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How to Select a WordPress Theme for Your Freelance Business

The online presentation of your freelance business is important. Your website and all the details around it need to be on point to tell potential clients as much as possible about you, within seconds. Most freelancers choose WordPress to build their website, and that’s an easy choice. However, choosing a WordPress theme is a bit […]

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Social Media Strategies to Improve Your Customer Experience

The newest metric of importance for businesses is the customer experience. This is different from customer engagement or customer service. Experience contains both of these elements and then some. Every time people interact with your business in any way, whether they’re buying or not, that is part of the customer experience that you should be […]

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