5 Simple Steps to Secure Your WordPress website
All growing businesses and brands online should provide their customers with an excellent experience to stand out from their competitors. And optimal cybersecurity is one of the most important aspects of a great experience online. Since WordPress is a popular and commonly used CMS (content management system) to create a website or online business, cybercriminals attack WordPress sites specifically. If you are using WordPress as CMS for your website or blog, you should prioritize WP security as hackers launch almost 90k attacks every minute against websites designed with WordPress.
To help you reinforce the security of your WP website, we will share simple yet proven steps to secure your WordPress website against cyber attacks and other security concerns.
Select a Reliable Hosting Provider
Choosing a reliable hosting provider is the first and foremost step you can take to protect your site against cyber-attacks. Going with a cheap and discounted hosting plan is tempting, but you might be spending a lot of bucks elsewhere when your website is compromised by hackers. Spending money on a low-quality host can cause things like increased hacking attacks, downtime, and slow loading speed, etc. This is the reason, always choose a good hosting provider for your WP website that offers additional layers of online security. It will not only increase website security but boost overall website performance as well.
Install SSL Certificate
Primarily, SSL was needed to make websites secure for particular transactions like payment processing via credit card or virtual wallets. Now, the world’s largest search engine Google has made SSL a must-have for all websites and blogs to perform and rank well in search results. Successful installation of SSL certificates on a WordPress website ensures that all the submitted details and information on a web page are end to end encrypted. Automatic encryption makes sensitive customer data hard to read for cybercriminals and makes your website more secure. This is the reason; SSL certificate is mandatory for sites and online stores that collect and process sensitive information like credit card details and the personal data of users.
Install a WordPress Security Plugin
Performing regular manual security checkups is time taking. Or you should have advanced coding skills and knowledge to find out malware or malicious coding on your website. Thankfully, WordPress developers have put out several security plugins that can be installed on a WP site to boost overall security and protection. These plugins can automatically scan your website for malware and other security concerns 24/7 and provide you with reports on what is happening to your site. Sucuri.net is one of the best WordPress security plugins you can install on your WP website. Its premium version offers greater security features like malware scanning, filer integrity monitoring, and website firewall, etc.
Avoid Nulled Themes & Plugins
Internet is full of free WordPress themes and plugins that attract new website owners to boost the appeal of the website and performance even without spending a single penny. There are a lot of websites that offer nulled and free WordPress themes and plugins. Since a nulled theme is a cracked version of a premium theme, it could be a real threat to your website. A nulled theme may contain malicious coding that can cause compromising your business data or customer information eventually. That’s why experts always recommend the use of premium WordPress themes and plugins as those are developed by professionally skilled developers and tested as well. Premium themes also come with full support to make sure there is nothing wrong when you are using them on your website or blog. They also offer regular updates to keep hackers at bay. And, by buying themes and plugins legitimately, you’d be supporting the developers, their staff, and their families.
Disallow File Editing
If access to your WordPress dashboard is granted to multiple users, they can edit your website files anytime. It can cause serious security threats or performance issues. However, you can prevent them by disallowing file editing. As a result, not one will be able to make changes to any of your website files. Even hackers cannot modify your website files if they obtain access to your dashboard. You can simply disallow file editing by adding this code: define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true);
to the wp-config.php file (at the very end).
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