6 Ways to Improve your Website Ranking in 2020

As a business owner, you will be aware of how vital the ranking of your website is to the ongoing success, or even survival, of your brand.

Did you know that an estimated 75% of people will never scroll past the first page of Google?

However, if you are ranking highly on Google and the other most popular search engines such as Yahoo and Bing, then the traffic to your site will be greatly increased, resulting in more sales.

Although, if, for some reason, you fall in the ranks of Google, you can see your site traffic disappear overnight, leading to a severely detrimental impact on your business.

Thankfully, there are ways in which you can actively improve your website’s ranking in 2020, from ensuring that your site uses responsive web design, to creating great content, to improving the speed of your site.

Keep reading to discover the top six ways to improve your site’s ranking and make 2020 the year that your business booms.


1.   Know your current ranking

If you want to improve your ranking on Google, it can first be a good idea to actually find out what your current search ranking is. Fortunately, this is fairly simple, as there are several tools available that provide in-depth information about your keywords and Google rank. For example, Raven, which gives you access to important SEO data, including the ability to monitor your links and their effectiveness.

Now that you now know the specific keywords that you need to target, you can then look at how to incorporate them into your content.


2.   Ensure you have a responsive site

Did you know that there are currently more online searches being carried out on mobile devices than there are on laptops? Furthermore, 79% of mobile phone owners have made a purchase online using their phones.

Therefore, it has never been more important for improving your ranking on Google to have a responsive website.

What exactly does this mean? A responsive site is one that is mobile-friendly. For example, if a user clicks onto your site on their mobile and the site doesn’t load fast enough, or the features do not fit well to the smaller screen size, then not only will that user be more likely to leave your site, but Google will penalize you.

A digital marketing company can help you with all the design aspects of creating a responsive website, plus offer invaluable advice on creating a site that Google will love.


3.   Focus on creating great content

Do you know why people use Google to search the web? It is because they trust that the results they are given will be useful, informative, and most importantly, consistently high quality.

Therefore, if you want Google to rank your site highly, then you need to ensure that you are providing the type and level of quality content that users expect from the first page of Google.

Ways in which you can improve your content include:

  • Use reliable links
  • Credit an author
  • Generate high-quality backlinks
  • Disavow bad links
  • Use keywords naturally
  • Post video content
  • Be original

If you are a relatively unknown business or you feel you need an extra helping hand to rise through the ranks of Google, then it may be worth consulting an experienced digital consultant that can help you with areas such as web strategy, web optimization, and web traffic.


4.   Improve your page loading speed

How frustrating is it when you have to wait more than a few seconds for a page to load?

Of course, in an ideal world, everyone would exercise some patience and remember the saying that “good things come to those that wait.” Unfortunately, consumers nowadays expect to have access to information 24/7, and they will not wait for a search result when there are so many alternatives on offer.

In fact, research shows that 40% of visitors will leave a site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load, and even more worryingly, 80% of those visitors never returning to that site again.

Therefore, if you want to rank highly on Google, you need to ensure that your site is up to speed, so to speak.

If you are unsure how fast your site’s loading speed is, you can check it out on Pingdom, a free website performance monitoring tool.

If you do find that your site speed is slow, you may want to look into your plugins and website theme to see if they could be contributing to the problem. Alternatively, it could be your chosen web hosting provider.


5.   Start blogging

As well as ensuring your website content is up to date and as informative as possible, it is also highly beneficial to your Google ranking to start blogging.

If you are not already taking advantage of this simple, yet highly effective way of engaging with your site visitors and getting on Google’s good side, then 2020 is definitely the year you should start.

Blogging not only improves your user experience and your SEO ranking, but it also actively generates leads for your business.

If you do decide to start blogging, then you should aim to incorporate the below elements into each blog to maximize their SEO potential:

  • Images
  • Header tags
  • Reputable links
  • Effective keywords
  • Good readability


6.   Actively encourage social media sharing

Social media platforms are as effective as ever in promoting your business; however, not everyone knows that it can also help to improve your SEO ranking.

How exactly does it do this?

It’s simple really. Every time someone shares a link to your website on their social media page, your SEO ranking will improve. Therefore, the more social media shares that you obtain, the more your organic search traffic will rise.

The easiest and most effective way of ensuring that your content and site gets shared on social media is by including a social sharing icon on all the content that you post. Plus, you should always share links yourself on your business social media platforms as your followers may share these links to others.

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