SEO Writing Tips for the Newcomer


One common myth among new SEO writers is that you can’t have it all. For them, it’s easy to believe that you can’t have amazing content without sacrificing search engine ranking and vice-versa. Well, we’re here to prove this theory wrong.

If you’re an essay writer who just broke into the SEO industry, you might struggle at first to combine content creation with SEO strategies, especially if you know next to nothing about optimization. However, there are several hacks that can help you create content that will drive conversions and traffic while educating and entertaining your audience at the same time.

We’ll get into these hacks soon, but first, let’s start with the basics:


What is SEO Writing All About?

SEO writing is a type of writing that helps websites and businesses become more visible to online visitors. Simply put, it is the integration of keywords and keyphrases within engaging web content to drive visibility.

From this description, we can deduce two facts. First, SEO writing involves carrying out keyword research to understand the right keywords and keyphrases and determine your audience’s search intent. It also involves creating the right content that satisfies your audience’s needs and closes their pain points.


The Secret to Nailing SEO Writing

Contrary to what you probably think, there’s not one particular secret ingredient for a great SEO copy.There are several of them.If you’re trying to create engaging content that satisfies your audience’s needs and ranks high on the search engine, here are a few tips that could help you:


Understand your audience and focus on it

Before developing an SEO strategy or delving into the writing process, it’s important to put some effort into understanding your audience or you can rely on SEO Company Sydney. Who is your audience? What pain points do they have? How can you serve them and solve their problems? Finding the answers to these questions will help you create the perfect content that will satisfy your audience’s search intent.

However, it’s not enough to simply find the answers to these questions. What are you going to do with the newly found information? When writing, focus on the readers. You’ve found out what they need. Now, weave your content around those needs or problems and ensure that you solve them.

Remember: even with the right keywords or formatting, your content won’t rank high if it doesn’t engage or satisfy your audience.


Write first, optimize later

As a newbie SEO writer, it can be tempting to want to cram several keywords and alt tags in one piece. However, don’t rush the process. It’s better to use keywords strategically rather than stuff them like an overfilled sandwich. Also, take your time. Write your copy first and focus on conversion. Then, you can focus on strategically placing keywords into the copy so that they seem natural.


Conduct keyword research carefully and thoroughly

Keyword research is just like the first step in a recipe – miss it and you’ve missed everything. Before creating content, you should conduct a thorough research on keywords that your audience might possibly be looking for.

For instance, if you’re writing a guide on essay writing, you should probably search for keywords like “how to write my essay.”

This way, you’ll know the search volume for each keyword and consequently be guided on which ones to use or not. Ultimately, you can then craft your copy around the chosen keywords. This way, you can create a copy that your audience will be able to find and read.

To help with your keyword research, you can use tools like Keyword Everywhere or SEMRush.


Don’t forget to create an outline

A lot of people often dismiss the stage of creating an SEO content outline because they feel it isn’t important. But you simply can’t afford not to create an outline before delving into the writing process.

Crafting an outline will help you stay focused on the points you want to cover in the content. It will also help you write faster and stay organized. Once you’ve gotten the outline part down, writing the rest of the content will be a breeze.


Be conversational

When writing for SEO purposes, it’s essential to write like you’re having a conversation with your readers. SEO content doesn’t have to be stiff or boring. In fact, the more conversational your content is, the more engaging and relatable your audience will find it.

To make your copy sound more conversational, you can start with a story to get them hooked and try to infuse the body of the copy with humor and personality.


Optimize content for secondary keywords

Secondary keywords are like the middle child: often overlooked but are pretty cool when you pay attention to them. Most SEO writers tend to overlook secondary keywords when drafting copies, but such keywords can have a significant effect on your SEO dashboards and search rankings.

Don’t optimize only the main keywords or phrases. Rather, use SEO tools such as Clearscope to opt for the right secondary keywords as well.


Final Thoughts

If you’ve been wondering how to navigate SEO writing as a newbie, we hope this guide has answered all your questions. Remember: don’t focus solely on keywords. Instead, ensure that your copy is written for your human audience and worry about optimizing later.

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