WordPress Shopping Cart plugin v1.4.1

Our first release for June is the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin v1.4.1 which is a rather minor release with only a few fixes, a new payment method added called eWay and there is also a change to the products grid/list to make the default more appealing and usable with different types of products. Let me tell you more about this build and then you can also go and see the release notes with details.

eWay (Shared) payment method

It is a very big merchant gateway and probably the biggest in Australia. eWay gives you the ability to accept credit card payments online and they connect your account directly to your bank account so that you can get paid quickly and easily. Their system has many great features which you have benefit from.

We integrated the shared API into our WordPress shopping cart plugin which sends your customers to a secure payment page on the eWay website where the credit card details are filled in and the payment is finalized by the customer. Upon completion, the customer will return to your site where the order will be updated accordingly and the results will be shown.

To connect your WordPress shopping cart plugin, please see the configuration settings and instructions. It is very simple actually since you really just need to fill in your eWay customer ID which is your merchant number provided by eWay upon opening your account.

Products Grid/List CSS Changed

After numerous suggestions about the products list with the alternating rows, we improved it and decided to give the products grid a new default styling as well.

The products list will no longer show alternating rows, meaning left/right product images. All images are aligned left by default and the products are now in a more appealing structure. Of course, everything can easily be altered with CSS and you can modify it to fit the design of your site. You can see a capture of a products list layout here: http://screencast.com/t/OWQ0OTU5NTE

As shown in the image above, the products grid now looks very professional and uniform. Each grid item will have beautiful borders to give it a finished feel while the price, ‘How many’ input field and ‘Add to Cart’ button is in its own little box to place the focus on the product image, making it more visible and attractive to customers.

PLEASE NOTE: When you upgrade and you’ve made custom changes to the layout/view files or even custom CSS, please note that some of the class names for elements in the wp-checkout/views/default/products/loop.php have changed and might break your grid layout. Have a look at the new class names and amend your CSS styling accordingly.

Fixes/Improvements to the plugin

As always, we try to iron out as many minor bugs and issues in each release, making the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin more stable and reliable. Unfortunately there were some issues, some created by new features added in v1.4 almost 2 weeks ago but we have taken care of them and we apologize for any inconvenience caused. Fixes include…

  • Input fields for unit and weight quantities when using shipping tiers.
  • Page/menu titles in WordPress being overwritten during checkout.
  • Tax/Vat is now passed through to PayPal and calculated.
  • Product page custom fields bug prevented custom fields from being added.
  • Billing URL in blank layout of checkout procedure.
  • Admin sections redirected incorrectly when saving certain records.

Get Checkout v1.4.1 Now!

New customers can get the WordPress shopping cart plugin from our site right now. Just add it to your basket, proceed through checkout and as a gift, we give you a coupon code 15OFF which you can enter on the 2CheckOut payment gateway page to get 15% OFF your order. When you return to our site after payment, your download will be available immediately!

If you already purchased the plugin, you may download it right now from the downloads section. It is available to single- and unlimited license holders and customers of the WordPress plugins bundle. If you access the downloads section and your download expired, please support us by renewing your download for as little as $5 for 3 months which will give you access to all releases within that period and free technical support.

Unfortunately, some customers have complained about updates subscriptions but we have been operating with this system for a long time now and it is clearly stated in our updates policy which all customers agree to upon purchase. We don’t want to suck you dry and see how much money we can make, we want to provide you with the best WordPress plugins, each in their market field. We really do work hard, trust me! All funds go toward our weekly product releases (development costs), technical support and of course maintaining the Tribulant Software company overall.

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