Posts tagged: Newsletter Software
Newsletter plugin v3.8.9
With amazing new features for both the users and the administrator, this new release of the WordPress Newsletter plugin will change the way you send out bulk WordPress emails. Version 3.8.9 has several new features, mostly in the back-end where the administrator configures and manages newsletters. Please see the release notes before reading some of […]
Continue ReadingNewsletter plugin v3.8.8
The WordPress Newsletter plugin v3.8.8 has a set of amazing new features to help you with your WordPress subscriber and newsletter campaign management. Feel free to read the detailed release notes before reading the rest of this article with an overview of new feature highlights. Tribulant SoftwareWe at Tribulant Software have a great passion for […]
Continue ReadingWordPress Newsletter plugin v3.8.7
After much development and the thorough implementation of several new features and loads of new fixes, we are very, very proud to announce v3.8.7 of the WordPress Newsletter plugin. Before we look at some of the feature highlights, feel free to have a look at the detailed release notes of v3.8.7 with a list of […]
Continue ReadingJune 2011 Newsletter
June was an extremely busy month here at Tribulant Software as we developed, offered support and worked on our new website design to be launched soon. New & Upcoming Plugin Releases WordPress Shopping Cart plugin v1.6 Upcoming: WordPress FAQ plugin Upcoming: WordPress Newsletter plugin Fresh, New Website Design! Apple iPad Giveaway Contest. You can win […]
Continue ReadingMay 2011 Newsletter
We hope that you receive this newsletter at an appropriate time when you can carefully read through it and tune in to our latest happenings. April 2011 was an inexplicably busy month with constant customer support, development and we also had an easter promotion running which was a great success. Let me tell you more […]
Continue ReadingWordPress Newsletter plugin v3.8.6
This long awaited release of the WordPress Newsletter plugin v3.8.6 is available for download right now! Get it while it’s still hot with many new features and major improvements! This new release of the plugin includes great features such as autoresponders, improved qTranslate compatibility, custom fields conditions upon sending, major sending/queuing performance improvements and an […]
Continue ReadingFebruary 2011 Newsletter
Exciting things happened here at Tribulant Software throughout the month of February. Many of which we can only tell about by the end of March unfortunately. Not to worry though, here is some amazing news to start telling about right away: WordPress 3.1 “Reinhardt” New plugin releases WordPress Banner Rotator plugin v2.7 WordPress Shopping Cart […]
Continue ReadingJanuary 2011 Newsletter
Welcome to 2011 once again everyone! I hope that you had as busy a month of January as we did and that you managed to prosper throughout this period. We spent most of the month offering support, improving the Tribulant Software website and doing development on our WordPress plugins. It has been an extremely busy […]
Continue ReadingWordPress Newsletter plugin v3.8.5
Don’t we just love new releases! We worked hard to add some most needed usability features to the WordPress Newsletter plugin. We present to you v3.8.5 with much excitement! We delayed the release last week because we were investigating 2 issues which have been reported and we weren’t able to duplicate the issues. The one […]
Continue ReadingWordPress Newsletter plugin v3.8.4
After much hard work and testing, this new release (v3.8.4) of the WordPress Newsletter plugin is available for all of you to enjoy. You guys have requested some awesome features and again we decided that it is essential to implement the features that our users want and not necessarily what we want. After all, you […]
Continue ReadingWordPress Plugins
Start selling products, sending newsletters, publishing ads, and more through your own WordPress website using our premium WordPress plugins.