Posts tagged: Technology

How Emerging Technology Trends Are Transforming the Restaurant Industry in 2025

Technology changes the way we interact with the world. Customers can now learn of course from places they’ve never heard of before, let alone visited, and hear their favorite foodie blogger describe it in such detail that they’ll be able to tell that what you’re serving is not authentic. They are more likely to order […]

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CRM web interface for dental clinics. UX or UI? What is more important in this case?

While we often associate Customer Relationship Management (CRM) with sales, business, and online shopping, it might seem a bit surprising to think about using it in a dental practice. But in reality, many dental clinics have started using CRM to keep track of information, stay in touch with patients, schedule appointments, and even promote their […]

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Improve customer engagement in business with the help of technology

From traditional flyers, billboards, and recommendations from others, business and customer engagement has become much more advanced and substantial. While businesses grow and expand with the evolving digital world and technologies, the evolution has also helped them provide better customer service and embrace productivity. Growing advancements and innovations require these companies to stay on pitch […]

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How to Secure and Optimize Your WordPress Site with Cloudflare

Cloudflare is one of the best content delivery networks (CDN) and security services available in the market. The best thing about Cloudflare is that it is free! When you connect your WordPress website with Cloudflare you can boost the site speed with CDN, secure it with SSL and bot protection, and use some other features […]

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Beautiful Newsletter Templates

Professional newsletter templates that are fully responsive for desktop, tablet, and mobile. They are 100% cross-client compatible.

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