How to Set up Facebook Instant Articles on WordPress?

How to Set up Facebook Instant Articles on WordPress?
Social Media has become an impactful platform to increase website traffic in recent years. Facebook has come up with a new feature for every type of publisher to increase their reach with the right users. Introduced in 2015, it is known as Instant Articles. Through this, the readers can access the publisher’s page faster and can have a better experience than reading on the publisher’s site itself.
Whenever the visitors want to read something they saw on Facebook app, this tool opens the link in the Facebook app itself rather than sending them to the external site. This saves all the waiting time the page would take to load and it is up to 10 times faster than the mobile app articles.
How is this beneficial for the publishers?
It is open to all publishers from anywhere in the world. As the interested readers are sifted to the article super fast, they are 70% less likely to abandon your article. So, you will have the audience which not only clicks to your article but also actually consume your content. When your articles are instantly available to the people, it will increase the consumption of the content by 20%.
By setting up the Facebook Instant Article on your WordPress, you can capture the huge audience of the Facebook app. Besides this, keep in mind that the article will not have any backlinks to your blog. However, you can see user data using Google Analytics and earn money from the Ads within the content.
Read below to know how you can set up an instant article for your WordPress blog:
How to Install Facebook Instant Articles on WordPress
Follow these steps to install Facebook Instant Articles on WordPress:
Step 1: Install and Sign Up
Visit Plugins, then click on the Add New. Search for “instant articles” and then install the official plugin from Facebook. Now activate it to get your plugin started.
Further, navigate to Instant Articles and sign up to get started. You can customize and optimize all the features for your instant article. Go to the instant article link in WordPress sidebar and you will see all the features.
Step 2: Choose your Page
Remember, if you want to monetize your articles, you will need to follow to the Content Guidelines and have an established Facebook Page.
Now, select the Facebook page for which you want your instant article to. Accept the terms and condition and proceed by clicking on “Access Instant Articles Tools”.
Step 3: Join the Plugin to your Facebook Page
Now visit the about section of your selected Facebook page and search for Page ID. Copy the ID and paste it in the “Facebook Page ID” in the instant article plugin settings and click save.
Since, you have already entered the unique ID of your page, you don’t need additional steps to authorize your website. Just claim your URL. Facebook will verify it and then you can set up your RSS feed. You can also set up the instant article for multiple pages by claiming more than one URL at the same time.
Step 4: Give your Blog URL
To pick up your latest articles, you have to let Facebook know your feed. You can pick up your blog feed URL at
Browse back to the instant article, Configuration > Publishing Tools > Production RRS Feed and enter the URL.
Step 5: Import all existing Articles
Make sure you have at least five articles before creating instant articles. Facebook will review your articles to ensure that they are within content guidelines. You can publish them after Facebook approves it.
You have to import all your existing blog by clicking update for each one separately in WordPress. However, your new posts will be automatically imported into instant articles. You can also add three call to action- App install, Email Newsletter, Page Likes.
Step 6: Add your own Style to your Blogs
You can style your articles with tons of options given by Facebook. From the configuration section, you will find style editor. Then start customizing it to give a look and feel of your own. You can also click on “default” if you don’t wish to make changes. Make sure you add your logo. It should be a transparent PNG and 690 x 132 pixels. Try to make the blogs look interesting by picking different font, colours, heading, backgrounds, etc.
Step 7: Preview your Articles
It is advisable to preview your articles. Check for missing or broken sentences, grammar error or the look of your page. In order to preview, install the Facebook Page Manager app and sign into your account.
In the app, you can find them under the “production” which is in other options. You can also see “examples” to get tips on instant article creation. If you are ready to submit, go back to the configuration page and click “Submit for Review”. After getting the approval from Facebook, you can start publishing the instant articles to your Facebook page.
It is worth giving try to Facebook Instant Article to capture Facebook’s large mobile audience for readership and revenue. If you are already using WordPress, it will be easy and fun to get started with this feature.
Lyuthar Jacobs is working as a blog editor at Dealslands.co.uk and writer at StudyClerk.com. He is a type of geek who loves to write about Marketing, Lifestyle, Money Saving, and Finance.
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