Black Label

The Black Label WordPress theme is a problematic theme as it doesn’t use WordPress conventions and doesn’t consider 3rd party plugins. We do not recommend using this theme.

Theme Name: Black Label
Theme Version: 1.5.0

The Problems

1. Enqueues its own jQuery version

This is in the blacklabel/functions.php file

2. Doesn’t enqueue scripts in general

This is throughout the theme, mainly in the blacklabel/header.php, blacklabel/theme_scripts/scripts.php and blacklabel/footer.php files.

3. Uses jQuery object before wp_head has executed

This is in the blacklabel/theme_scripts/scripts.php file.

4. Removes the_content filters

Removes the default the_content filters and applies it’s own. In the blacklabel/framework/shortcodes/columns.php file of the theme.

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