
Shopping Cart plugin Release Notes

WordPress Shopping Cart plugin release notes. Improved Updated Bootstrap.js to a compatible version with the jQuery that’s in use by the latest WordPress. Added some checks for deprecated jQuery methods that are in use across the plugin. If they’re not found, the code won’t be executed or will be executed in a different way. Continue Reading…

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Shopping Cart plugin Release Notes

WordPress Shopping Cart plugin release notes. Improved Changed the colour of the navigation arrows for the lightbox popup when viewing multiple product images on the frontend as the white colour for the arrows did not make them too visible. Limiting the request count to prevent the server blocking requests, in certain cases. Fixed Bug Continue Reading…

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Shopping Cart plugin Release Notes

WordPress Shopping Cart plugin release notes. Added Limitation for combining different types of products (one-time purchases, recurring purchases) in the cart: only one recurring product in the cart and blocking all others – not allowing adding a recurring product to the cart when a one-time purchase product is already in the cart. Categories column Continue Reading…

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Banner Rotator 3.4.6 Release Notes

WordPress Banner Rotator plugin 3.4.6 release notes. Fixed Removed definition of a global variable for the Country model, because it was the reason for a race condition with other plugins. This fixes a bug where you couldn’t select countries in our Shopping Cart (WP Checkout) plugin.

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Banner Rotator 3.4.5 Release Notes

WordPress Banner Rotator plugin 3.4.5 release notes. Added Added colorpicker for Background Colour and Text Colour. Improved Settings text improvements. Fixed Serial key pop-up. Error handler fix. Errors are now logged and should not block the usage of the plugin. Errors found in the debug log. Fixes for colorbox.

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