
Newsletter: Create Newsletter

Newsletters > Create Newsletter Subject & Content This is the visual editor, where you can see the content and insert images and text. This is the text area of the editor. Here you can view, edit and add html code. Each newsletter you create now has it’s own, dedicated media files and a pretty “Insert Continue Reading…

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WP Banners: Post/Page Embedding

You have the ability to embed banner ads directly into the content of any of your WordPress posts/pages with the WordPress banners plugin. In the administration panel, these code strings are displayed next to each record of the ads, sizes and zones. You can simply copy and paste them as needed. v2.3.8 (or earlier) v2.4.9 Continue Reading…

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Newsletters: Post/Page Embedding

You can insert WordPress Newsletter plugin subscription forms into the content of your posts and pages by inserting a code string directly into the content or the post or page using the HTML view of the editor when writing the post or page. The quickest way of inserting a WordPress Newsletter plugin subscription form into Continue Reading…

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