
Checkout: Shopping Cart

Customer Experience > Checkout > Shopping Cart The image below shows the shopping cart on the front-end (customer side) of a site. The shopping cart is specific to each potential customer and it shows them the items that they have added to their cart/basket and so on. If a customer is not happy with the Continue Reading…

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Coupons Admin Functions

In your WordPress dashboard, go to the “Checkout” tab in the top level menu to go to the Plugin. Then navigate to the “Coupons” tab of the plugin to manage your discount coupons. You have the ability to add, edit and delete coupon codes as needed. There are some configuration settings available for discount coupons Continue Reading…

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Discount Coupons

Configuration settings related to the discount coupons feature.

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WordPress Plugins

Start selling products, sending newsletters, publishing ads, and more through your own WordPress website using our premium WordPress plugins.


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