Checkout – Wholesale 1.1 Release Notes
Checkout- Wholesale extension plugin v1.1 release notes. Added Compatibility with Guest Checkout Payment methods by role Shipping methods by role Shipping prices per roles Improved Change out plugin name/path to unique extension name/path Improvements to load_plugin_textdomain Fixed “Tax Override” disable still shows roles in settings
Continue ReadingCheckout – Wholesale: Release Notes
WordPress Shopping Cart plugin – Wholesale release notes.
Continue ReadingWholesale
We have released an Wholesale extension for the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin. Installation 1. Make sure you have WordPress and the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin installed. 2. Purchase the Wholesale extension and then download it from your downloads management section in ZIP format. 3. Extract the ZIP archive to obtain the checkout-coupons folder 4. Upload the checkout-wholesale folder to your wp-content/plugins/ directory in your WordPress installation. 5. Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingCheckout: Custom/Manual payment method
Payment method: Custom/Manual The Custom/Manual payment method is used if you have any odd configuration where a payment API will not surfice. It is fairly easy to set up in the plugin but obviously requires a lot more manual work to process the payment for the customer. For an example I have set up my Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingBeautiful Newsletter Templates
Professional newsletter templates that are fully responsive for desktop, tablet, and mobile. They are 100% cross-client compatible.