Banner Ads Inside Newsletters
With the WordPress Banner Ads plugin and the WordPress Newsletters plugin used in conjunction, you can easily embed banner ads directly into your newsletters which are sent through to your subscribers.
Continue ReadingWP Banners: Post/Page Embedding
You have the ability to embed banner ads directly into the content of any of your WordPress posts/pages with the WordPress banners plugin. In the administration panel, these code strings are displayed next to each record of the ads, sizes and zones. You can simply copy and paste them as needed. v2.3.8 (or earlier) v2.4.9 Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingBanners: Shortcodes, Hardcoding and Widgets
Placing banner ads on your WordPress website is a rather painless process with the WordPress Banner Rotator plugin. There are 4 (four) ways of embedding banner ads into your WordPress website.
Continue ReadingNewsletters: Shortcodes & Subscribe Form
There are several embedding codes/shortcodes available with the WordPress Newsletter plugin which can be inserted into any WordPress post or page. The shortcodes will be replaced with the appropriate HTML content inside your WordPress posts/pages. Newsletters History Display a list inside a WordPress post or page with all your previously sent newsletters from the Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingNewsletters: Post/Page Embedding
You can insert WordPress Newsletter plugin subscription forms into the content of your posts and pages by inserting a code string directly into the content or the post or page using the HTML view of the editor when writing the post or page. The quickest way of inserting a WordPress Newsletter plugin subscription form into Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingWordPress Plugins
Start selling products, sending newsletters, publishing ads, and more through your own WordPress website using our premium WordPress plugins.