Plugin Conflict: Google Analytics for WordPress
The Google Analytics for WordPress plugin reacts on the jQuery UI tabs of the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin Contacts step of checkout and reloads the current URL within the tabs. Plugin Affected: WordPress Shopping Cart plugin Conflicting Plugin: Google Analytics for WordPress plugin Summary of Issue: The Google Analytics plugin executes Ajax calls inside jQuery Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingBanners: News Child theme by StudioPress
The News Child Theme by StudioPress has a minor issue with the WordPress Banner Rotator plugin when specifically using Flash banners in the primary sidebar. There is a solution for this problem though. Plugin Affected: WordPress Banner Rotator plugin. Conflicting Theme: News Child Theme by StudioPress. Summary of Issue: The theme resizes Flash banners in Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingBanners: Known Issues/Problems
Known issues/problems with the WordPress Banner Rotator plugin.
Continue ReadingAfter the Deadline Conflict
The After the Deadline WordPress plugin breaks the WordPress admin dashboard layout and causes problems with clicking the save/update buttons on some screens throughout WordPress and in our plugins. If you have this plugin installed and you’re having problems with saving forms in any of our plugins, please deactivate it. There is currently no solution Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingDynamic Content Gallery plugin conflict
Know Issues > Dynamic Content Gallery Conflict between Dynamic Content Gallery and Tribulant Software or third party plugins. For those of you out there that use the Dynamic Content Gallery plugin, you will most likely experience a plugin conflict at some point. Upon activation of another plugin (Tribulant or other) you will see that the Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingBeautiful Newsletter Templates
Professional newsletter templates that are fully responsive for desktop, tablet, and mobile. They are 100% cross-client compatible.