
Checkout: Products

Checkout > Products The product are the mainstay of your shopfront or store. Products can be Tangible or Digital i.e. a physical product or a song, picture, PDF etc that a shopper can download after they have paid for it. Products can be just about anything and varying in types, shapes styles etc. Each product Continue Reading…

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Checkout: Manage Content

By going to ‘Checkout’ > ‘Product Content’ in your dashboard you will be taken to the product content management screen which you can manage all your current contents. click to enlarge 1. Create new content To start adding product content, click the ‘Add New’ button at the top to be taken to the ‘Save Content’ Continue Reading…

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Checkout Config: Products Loop/Paging

Checkout > Configuration > Products Loop/Paging NOTE: The screenshots on this post have been taken from one section in the configuration. It has been split up for convenience and so that it is easier to follow. The settings in the screenshot are explained below the relevant screenshot. 1. Display This is set to “Grid View” Continue Reading…

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Checkout Config: Captions, Texts & Messages

Checkout > Configuration > Captions, Texts & Messages Products This section allows you to change the default caption, texts and messages that appear on the front end (user side) of the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin. The values relate only to Products. Each of the settings has a string in quotes which is the default value Continue Reading…

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Products Loop

The WordPress shopping cart plugin displays a loop/pagination of products on the front-end of the website on product category pages, supplier pages, etc. It basically shows the title, a small thumbnail image of the product, a short description and the price of the product. Change the Layout Code Styling the Product Loop

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