
Checkout: Manage Images

Checkout > Product Images click to enlarge 1. Add New Image Clicking this button will take you to ‘Save a Image’ where you can define and upload a  image for a Product. New images added will show up on this ‘Manage Images’ screen after they are added. 2. Bulk Actions These bulk actions allow you Continue Reading…

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Save a Style Option

In your WordPress dashboard, you can either create new style options or change the details of existent style options which you have previously created. In order to create or change style options, go to the “Options” section of the shopping cart plugin.

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Save Discount Coupons

Inside the “Coupons” section of the plugin, you can create new coupon codes and edit/change your existent coupon codes. To create a new coupon, simply click on the “add new” link at the top. To edit an existing one, click on the title of the coupon you wish to edit in the table displaying all Continue Reading…

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Save Styles

In the “Styles” section of the plugin, you can create new styles and change existent styles.

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Save a Product

In the “Products” section of the plugin, you can manage all your current products in the database. Additionally, you can create a new product by clicking on the “add new” link or alternatively edit any of your existing products.

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WordPress Plugins

Start selling products, sending newsletters, publishing ads, and more through your own WordPress website using our premium WordPress plugins.


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