
Checkout 1.8.4 Release Notes

WordPress Shopping Cart plugin 1.8.4 release notes Fixed Supplier shortcodes no longer working Recurring interval/duration not saving for 2CO Tax value calculated on variation options even if tax is off Single quotes in French breaking variations TinyMCE dialog not inserting shortcodes Inactive products showing up in related products Improved Configuration loading slow if too many pages Continue Reading…

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Newsletters v3.9.1 Release Notes

WordPress Newsletter plugin v3.9.1 release notes. Added Updates “Check Now” button to delete the transient cache X-MimeOLE header setting Delete subscriber on unsubscribe setting Shortcode to display number of subscribers Setting to show/hide TinyMCE editor button Custom fields in offsite form HTML Improved “Send as Newsletter” box permissions/capability fix Cache exception for ‘Manage Subscriptions’ Non Continue Reading…

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Newsletters: TinyMCE – Email Snippets

Newsletters > TinyMCE – Email Snippets   Via TinyMCE Envelope Icon/Button 1. Envelope Icon/Button You can click on the envelope icon/button in the TinyMCE toolbar, this will open  “Newsletter Functions”. 2. Template Tab You can click on the template tab on the open dialog to view the email snippets. 3. Template You can then choose Continue Reading…

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Newsletters: TinyMCE Valid Elements

Tips and Tricks: TinyMCE Valid Elements Some people may notice that the TinyMCE Editor in WordPress strips out certain tags/elements automatically, which may cause an issue with the HTML code and design layout of your Newsletters. If this is not something that you notice or are aware of, best would be to ingnore it. For Continue Reading…

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Newsletters: Insert Posts with TinyMCE

click to enlarge In the WordPress Newsletter plugin the ability to quickly and easily select a post/posts and insert the shortcode into your newsletter. If you would like to do this, here is how to go about it: 1. Envelope Button To open the ‘Newsletter Functions’ screen as you can see in the image, simply Continue Reading…

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