
Newsletters 4.3 Release Notes

WordPress Newsletter plugin 4.3 release notes. Improved Ajax sending Fixed “Add Content Area” not generating editor until draft save Attachments not sticking with some newsletters Welcome page redirect on update of all individual plugins Update preview autosave problems Redirects broken due to single quotes (French) Some custom field validation rules not working

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Slideshow Gallery Release Notes v1.4

WordPress Slideshow Gallery 1.4 release notes. Added WordPress 3.9 compatibility [tribulant_slideshow] to prevent conflicts Improved Reduced/hidden information bar on mobile More CSS selectors on elements New dashicon for help instead of CSS File and folder permissions incorrect on some servers Fixed TinyMCE editor button/icon not inserting shortcodes PHP strict standards warnings NextGen Conflict Slideshow not showing Continue Reading…

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Checkout – Suncorp

Suncorp Extension for the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin This extension plugin gives you the ability to sell online and accept payments using Suncorp. The Suncorp Payment Client is the interface that provides a secure method of communication between your online store and the Payment Server, which facilitates the processing of payments. Installation 1. Make sure you have WordPress and the WordPress Shopping Continue Reading…

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Checkout: Save a Product Variation

Checkout > Product Variations > Save Product Variation 1. Title You can give your variation a name in the title. 2. Caption Add a caption/description for the variation. 3. Required Choose if you need this variation to be required or not. 4. Error message Insert the error message that you want to display if the Continue Reading…

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Checkout – iPay88: Release Notes

WordPress Shopping Cart plugin: iPay 88 extension plugin release notes.

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