
Custom Fields v1.2 release notes

WordPress Custom Fields plugin v1.2 release notes. WordPress 2.9 compatible. Doesn’t require PHP short_open_tag support anymore. Can now be localized/translated. Many other improvements…

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Custom Fields: Access User Meta

The WordPress Custom Fields plugin stores the user values upon registration and profile update to that WordPress user’s meta fields in the WordPress usermeta table. These user meta values stored by the Custom Fields plugin can be accessed just lke WordPress itself and many other plugins access user meta. Here are a few things you Continue Reading…

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Manage Fields: Introduction

The ‘Manage Fields’ section is where you will manage all your custom user fields for your registration and profile pages. On this screen, you can click the ‘Add New’ button at the top to create a new custom field. Additionally, all your current custom fields will be displayed in a table and you can manage Continue Reading…

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Custom Fields: Known Issues/Problems

‘Plugins’ page will show that an update is available but please ignore this as it is from a different author on the plugin directory and it is not the same plugin.

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Custom Fields: Manage

Custom Field> Manage Custom Fields 1. Add New Click this link to open up the ‘Save a Custom Field’ page. In this page you be able to create your own Custom Field. 2. Search Fields This search box allows you to search through the Custom Fields you have made. Simply type into the text box Continue Reading…

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