
Newsletters: Delete Subscribers

Sometimes you might need to delete some subscribers from WordPress Newsletters plugin. The WordPress Newsletters plugin allows you to delete subscribers from your database using a CSV spreadsheet. CSV is a simple file format used to store tabular data, such as a spreadsheet or database. CSV stands for “comma-separated values”. Its data fields are most Continue Reading…

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Newsletters – WooCommerce Subscribers: Release Notes

Release notes for the WordPress Newsletters plugin – WooCommerce Subscribers extension plugin.

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Newsletters: Import Subscribers From CSV Spreadsheet

Import Subscribers from a CSV file into the WordPress Newsletter plugin.   You can quickly and easily import a CSV spreadsheet from any source at all into the WordPress Newsletter plugin as subscribers to a specified mailing list and start sending these subscribers newsletters. Go to the Newsletters > Subscribers > Import/Export section of the WordPress Continue Reading…

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Newsletters: Subscriber Management Section

Newsletters > Configuration > Subscribers > Subscriber Management Section The Subscription Management Section allows your subscribers to manage their subscriptions on your site. There is a post which is auto-created and published for this section to appear on the front-end of your site. This post contains the shortcode [newsletters_management] and is outlined briefly below. Here Continue Reading…

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Newsletter: Manage Templates

Newsletters > Templates > Manage Templates 1. Add a New Template Clicking this button will take you to ‘Save a Template’ where you can create a new Template for your newsletters or upload one that you purchased from us or elsewhere. New Templates added will show up on this ‘Manage Template’ screen after they are added. 2. Get More Continue Reading…

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WordPress Plugins

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