
WordPress Gallery Voting plugin

Description Simply let users vote/like photos/images in your WordPress galleries. This is a free plugin and is licensed under the terms of the GPL license. There is no cost charged, all the source code is provided and you may modify the Gallery Voting plugin according to your needs. System Requirements WordPress 3.8 or higher   Quick Continue Reading…

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FAQ > Configuration > Updates

FAQ Plugin Whenever you have an update, it will show next to your plugin on your dashboard. One telling you that the plugin is “Up to Date” as seen in the first tab below. One telling you that there is an “Update Available” as seen in the second tab below And lastly one stating an Continue Reading…

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Custom Fields: Manage Countries Introduction

The “Manage Countries” section in Custom Fields relates to the countries that the user would see in a predefined Drop Down list in a form where country is one of the fields required. In this section you will be able to manage the countries which are displayed in that list. You have the ability to Continue Reading…

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Manage Fields: Introduction

The ‘Manage Fields’ section is where you will manage all your custom user fields for your registration and profile pages. On this screen, you can click the ‘Add New’ button at the top to create a new custom field. Additionally, all your current custom fields will be displayed in a table and you can manage Continue Reading…

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Newsletters: Templates

  The WordPress Newsletter plugin comes with premade templates that you can select when sending out Newsletters. 10 premade templates are included (as indicated in the image above). New templates can be easily added by uploading an HTML file or pasting HTML code. Existing templates can be easily changed by re-uploading a new HTML file or editing the HTML. Continue Reading…

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WordPress Plugins

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