FAQs v1.4.5 Release Notes
WordPress FAQ plugin v1.4.5 release notes. ADDED Show the question asker’s email address to the administrator. The ability to tick/check WordPress post categories when specifying post for a group/question. Attempt to change the sql_mode to NOT strict. Specify the text to display for the read more link of excerpts. Add menu=0 parameter to prevent the Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingCheckout: Shopping Cart
Customer Experience > Checkout > Shopping Cart The image below shows the shopping cart on the front-end (customer side) of a site. The shopping cart is specific to each potential customer and it shows them the items that they have added to their cart/basket and so on. If a customer is not happy with the Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingcForms plugin conflict
cForms plugin conflict There is a known issue with the WordPress cForms plugin breaking the TinyMCE text editor. It is a issue that is common with a lot of plugins that use the editor but there is a quick and simple fix for it. The issue and the fix are outlined below. The Issue: If Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingPayPal Website Payments PRO
PayPal Website Payments PRO with Direct Payment has been integrated into the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin to process debit- and credit card payments directly in your shop without sending customers away from your site. Requirements The following things are needed to start accepting debit- and credit card payments directly on your WordPress website. WordPress Shopping Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingDynamic Content Gallery plugin conflict
Know Issues > Dynamic Content Gallery Conflict between Dynamic Content Gallery and Tribulant Software or third party plugins. For those of you out there that use the Dynamic Content Gallery plugin, you will most likely experience a plugin conflict at some point. Upon activation of another plugin (Tribulant or other) you will see that the Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingWordPress Plugins
Start selling products, sending newsletters, publishing ads, and more through your own WordPress website using our premium WordPress plugins.