
Manage Fields: Introduction

The ‘Manage Fields’ section is where you will manage all your custom user fields for your registration and profile pages. On this screen, you can click the ‘Add New’ button at the top to create a new custom field. Additionally, all your current custom fields will be displayed in a table and you can manage Continue Reading…

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Banners: Support & Help

click to enlarge Overview Within each plugin there is a “Suppourt & Help” section. There are three links available for you to click. Online Documentation, Latest News and Updates, and Support Helpdesk. Online Documentation sends you to the Tribulant site in the ‘Docs’ section where there is a comprehensive library of the products and how Continue Reading…

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FAQ: Groups

The Groups section of the FAQ plugin allows you to create and manage Groups. By placing your questions into different groups, it makes it easier for a visitor to search and find a particular answer to a question relating to a specific area of interest or ask a question that is relevant to a particular Continue Reading…

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Checkout: Contacts step

Customer Experience > Checkout > Contacts This step of the WordPress Shopping Cart checkout procedure is only displayed if someone is not already logged into your WordPress website as a customer. When a user checks out they may be required to register as a user/customer or alternatively login if they already have an account. As Continue Reading…

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Custom Fields: Manage

Custom Field> Manage Custom Fields 1. Add New Click this link to open up the ‘Save a Custom Field’ page. In this page you be able to create your own Custom Field. 2. Search Fields This search box allows you to search through the Custom Fields you have made. Simply type into the text box Continue Reading…

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