Newsletter: Save a Custom Field
Newsletters > Custom Fields > Save a Custom Field 1. Title This is the title of the field which you would like to insert. This can be called anything that you want it to be called. Depending on the information you require from your users, put an appropriate title in this box. 2. Slug/Nicename This Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingNewsletter: Manage Mailing Lists
click to enlarge 1. Add a New Mailing List Clicking this button will take you to ‘Save a Mailing List’ where you can create a new Mailing List Mailing List for your users. New Mailing Lists added will show up on this ‘Manage Mailing Lists’ screen after they are added. 2. Bulk Actions These bulk Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingNewsletter: Mailing Lists
Newsletters > Mailing Lists The ‘Newsletters‘ > ‘Mailing Lists‘ section allows you define your mailing lists. You may have just one general newsletter that you send out to your users or you may have different types of mailing lists that are specific to certain product, services or news items in your business. A mailing list Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingCheckout: Manage Shipping Methods
The Manage Shipping Methods screen can be seen when you navigate the Checkout > Shipping Methods from your Checkout menu item in the admin panel. On this screen, you can view the general details about all of your shipping methods and you can manually edit them, if needed. This is also where you will add Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingBeautiful Newsletter Templates
Professional newsletter templates that are fully responsive for desktop, tablet, and mobile. They are 100% cross-client compatible.