Newsletters Release Notes
Release notes for version of the WordPress Newsletter plugin. Improved Updated CKEditor to the latest full version to have all assets. Fixed Consent field not saving in subscribe form. Removed multiple irrelevant cron options from the Configuration > Schedule Interval setting.
Continue ReadingNewsletters Release Notes
Release notes for version of the WordPress Newsletter plugin. Added New filter (also found in our documentation under Email Filters): wpml_phpmailer_before_send – Filters the PHPMailer object before calling the PHPMailer::send() method. Argument: $phpmailer (the PHPMailer instance). Fixed Mailgun regional settings not passed in API. Custom Fields > Field Type not showing any options. Saving Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingNewsletters Release Notes
Release notes for version of the WordPress Newsletter plugin. Fixed Import/Export Subscribers PHP error. Code optimisation.
Continue ReadingNewsletters Release Notes
Release notes for version of the WordPress Newsletter plugin. Added Delete WordPress user upon subscriber deletion. Set it up in Newsletters > Configuration > Subscribers. Improved Stricter checks for datatypes. Globally securing SQL queries. Updated CKEditor to 4.16.2. Fixed PHP wrong timezone critical error caused by date_default_timezone_set(). Extended Email Validation prevented signups and caused Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingFAQ plugin 1.6.5 Release Notes
WordPress FAQ plugin versions 1.6.4 and 1.6.5 release notes. Improved Version 1.6.4: Internal optimisations. Fixed Plugin activation/deactivation caused “Uncaught fatal error” on some systems.
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