Custom Fields: Support & Help
click to enlarge Overview Within each plugin there is a “Suppourt & Help” section. There are three links available for you to click. Online Documentation, Latest News and Updates, and Support Helpdesk. Online Documentation sends you to the Tribulant site in the ‘Docs’ section where there is a comprehensive library of the products and how Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingCustom Fields: Save a Country
click to enlarge 1. Name In this text box you will specify the name of the country that you would like to add. Simply click on the box and type in the country name. 2. Country Code A short two letter code is required for each country. These two letters normally relate to the country, Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingCustom Fields: Manage Countries
Custom Fields>Manage Countries 1. Add New If you would like to add a new Country to the list, click this link to open up the ‘Save a Country’ page. In this page you will have the ability to create a new country for the list. 2. Search Countries Type any relevant search criteria in this Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingCustom Fields: Manage Countries Introduction
The “Manage Countries” section in Custom Fields relates to the countries that the user would see in a predefined Drop Down list in a form where country is one of the fields required. In this section you will be able to manage the countries which are displayed in that list. You have the ability to Continue Reading…
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