WordPress Banner Rotator v2.3.7
WordPress Banner Rotator Plugin v2.3.7 Release Notes
- Show ads, zones and sizes in alphabetized manner in admin.
- Per page feature which allows the admin to select how many records to show per page.
- Fixed a JavaScript issue on the check all checkbox feature.
- Ability to assign a single ad to multiple zones using checkboxes.
- “Settings” section created for configuration settings.
- Fixed an issue with DIV ids when using multiple widgets.
- Rotate ads from a specific size and zone when using a widget or hardcoding.
- Record count in all sections to show total number of records.
- Improved redirection upon mass and other actions to go back to the previous page.
- Ability to search zones in the same way as ads.
- Target value radio buttons for new ads is set to “New Window” by default.
- Text box feature allowing you to put a text box below an ad with custom text.
- Text box presentation settings in the “Settings” section of the plugin.
- Ability to add and re-assign zones to multiple ads using a mass action.
- Click-through rate for ads visible in “Ads” section.
- WordPress Mailing List Plugin integration. Put banner ads into newsletters.
- Auto refresh feature (its back and improved!)
WordPress Plugins
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