In this section of the plugin you will be able to manage, edit and add new banner ads.
Manage Adverts
1. Add New
Clicking this button will take you to ‘Save a Banner ad’ where you can create a new banner. New adverts added will show up on this ‘Manage Ads’ screen after they are added.
2. Bulk Actions
These bulk actions allow you to select multiple ads from the table using the checkboxes and then apply a bulk action on the selected records.
3. Search Ads
Quickly search the database for Ads by typing a word or phrase and then clicking the ‘Search Ads’ button.
4. Ad sections
This section of the manage ads page will show you the current adverts added to the plugin, the size, zone, views and clicks of the ad.
5. Ad Actions
For each of the actions like Edit/Delete/Copy/View/Preview, just make the action text itself bold. Select one of these actions to edit, delete, copy, view or preview the ad.
6. Export Stats
Now you can easily export advert statistics to a CSV file by clicking the “Export Stats” link. Hover over CTR% column to see this option.
7. Activate/Deactivate
Hover over Status column to activate/deactivate every ad separately by clicking on Activate or Deactivate link accordingly.
8. Shortcode
Use this shortcode of the ad on any page/post if you wish to display the ad.
9. Date
This column show the date on which this banner was added.
Save a Banner Ad
1. Add Title
Insert the title of the ad in this field
2. Add Type
Select the type of banner ad your adding with the radio buttons
As in image above you will get an upload button to select an image to upload.
Location/URL: Add a URL to the image in this field. When someone click on this banner, they will be redirected to this page.
Target Window- Do you want this link to be opened in the same window or a new window of your browser.
Select the flash file with the “Choose File” button.
Enable Click Tag- The plugin can also track clicks on these Flash ads/banners using the Flash clickTAG mechanism. Set this setting to Yes in order to be able for the plugin to track the clicks per flash banner. Documentation on Click Tag
Alternative Content- Insert some alternative content which you’d like to display if the user don’t have a flash player installed.
Click Tag URL: This URL is for the click of the banner. When someone click on this banner, they will be redirected to this page.
Video URL- You can paste the URL of videos from many services, such as YouTube, Blip, Vimeo, DailyMotion, and others and the embed code will be automatically created. Simply copy and paste the URL from the browser address bar on the page while watching the video.
Click Tag URL- This URL is for the click of the banner. When someone click on this banner, they will be redirected to this page.
Click Tag URL- This URL is for the click of the banner. When someone click on this banner, they will be redirected to this page.
HTML Code- Insert any HTML, CSS or JavaScript code according to your needs. No PHP allowed.
3. Current Views
This is the amount of views that this banner received.
4. Max Impressions
Set the max amount of impressions of this banner. After this amount of impressions, the banner will not show on the front-end anymore. If you need unlimited impressions on this banner, leave this field blank.
5. Date
Select a date on which this banner should start to display on the site.
6. Expires
If you need this banner to stop displaying at some stage, select yes. You will then be able to select the expiry date.
7. Banner Size
Select the size of the banner in the dropdown provide. You can set new sizes for banners under Banners>Sizes
8. Zones
Select the zones that you need this banner to display on your site. You can set new zones under Banners>Zones
9. Status
Select the status “Active” or “Inactive” of this banner in this setting.
10. Text Box
If you need a text box on your banner, select Yes on this setting. You will then get a text box where you can enter some text to display and you will be able to set alignment.
WordPress Plugins
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