FAQ: Save a Group
FAQs > Groups > Save a Group
1. Name
This is the field you will use to type in the desired name for the new group you wish to create. With WPML, qTranslate, or mqTranslate installed and activated, you will be able to translate this name by adding the name in different languages under the flag tabs.
2. Parent
Add this group to a parent group to make it a child group.
3. Admin Notification
If you enable this setting, then admin will be notified when a new question is asked for this specific group.
4. Admin Email
This field is only visible if you checked “On” for [3] ‘Admin Notifications‘. In this field you must specify the email address to send new question notifications.
5. Search Box
If you would like to include the option of a search box for your users, then this is where you will make this change. Make sure the ‘Yes‘ box is checked if you want to add a search box to the front-end of your site.
6. Show Groups Menu
This field is only visible if you have selected “On” for [5] ‘Search Box‘. If you enable this setting as well, then it will add a drop down menu as a search filter to limit the search within the chosen group.
7. Ask Box
This will include a submission box below the groups box if you choose ‘Yes‘. This box will allow for users/members to ask questions.
8. Display Response Author
Display the name of the author below the answer.
9. Display Author Link
Make the name of the author clickable, which leads users to the author’s chosen website.
10. Active Status
If this is set to ‘Active‘ then the group’s questions will be visible in the front-end of the site, setting to ‘Inactive’ obviously removes it from the front of the site.
11. Keywords/Tags
This is where you will type in keywords and tags related to the group you are creating. Separate each point with a comma.
12. Save WordPress Post/Page
If you select ‘Yes‘ here then a post/page will be kept and maintained for this group.
13. Post/Page Title
This option is only visible if you have selected ‘Custom Post‘, ‘Post‘ or ‘Page‘ for [12] ‘Save WordPress Post/Page‘. Please type in a title here to name the post or page for the group. With WPML, qTranslate, or mqTranslate installed and activated, you will be able to translate the post/page title by adding the value in different languages under the flag tabs.
14. Page Parent
This is only visible if ‘Page‘ has been selected in [12] ‘Save WordPress Post/Page‘. If this is so, then please choose a page parent from the drop-down menu provided.
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