Embed an FAQ Question/Answer

Embed a single WordPress FAQ plugin question/answer into a WordPress post/page.

Questions Shortcode

Show all questions on a page with [faqs] shortcode
Show a specific question on a page with [faqs_question id="X"] shortcode, where X is the number of the question

Featured Question Parameter

To display featured questions of a group or for any other list of questions, simply include the featured attribute/parameter into the shortcode with value 1 [faqs featured=1].  To show non-featured questions, specify the featured attribute/parameter with value 0 [faqs featured=0]. To show both featured and non-featured questions, leave the featured parameter out of the shortcode.

Number and Order by Parameter

Limit the amount of questions to be shown on a page with the number parameter and order questions with the order parameter added to the shortcode.

[faqs number=5 order=DESC/ASC orderby=modified/id]

WordPress Plugins

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