FAQ plugin v1.6 Release Notes
-WordPress FAQ plugin v1.6 release notes.
- ‘featured’ param/attribute on shortcodes to show featured or non-featured
- “Continue editing” checkboxes in admin sections
- Link to a specific question
- Multilingual with (m)qTranslate
- ‘number’ parameter/attribute in shortcodes to limit questions
- Settings to change custom post type slugs for questions and groups
- Featured questions/answers
- Questions and groups in WordPress search results
- WordPress Widget API
- Dashicons for sorting indicators in admin tables
- Update shortcodes mentioned in admin to new [faqs_…] format
- Improvements to load_plugin_textdomain() call
- Remove pluggable.php include
- Change deprecated function ereg_replace() with preg_replace()
- Email validate using WordPress is_email() function
- Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated
- “Back to questions” link under related questions section in admin
- Linkable questions and auto open on link
- Scroll to heading as accordion changes for smooth transition
- Clear questions when a search is cleared.
- Show custom fields in ask form notification email
- Open/closed hand cursors not showing for drag/drop in admin
- “Clear Search” link not working
- Search displays all questions
- Active question setting not working on search results
- Order of latest questions widget not saving
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