Newsletters 4.6.10 Release Notes
-Release notes for version 4.6.10 of the WordPress Newsletter plugin.
- Show TEXT version of newsletter in live preview
- New, responsive newsletter template called “Creator”
- New “Import Settings” box under Subscribers configuration section
- Delete file after importing subscribers
- Default template for TEXT part of multi-part emails
- Setting to turn on/off IP address storage of subscribers
- See country of subscribers by IP and filter by country
- GDPR Requirements link under Newsletters > Configuration
- Button under CAPTCHA Settings to easily install Really Simple CAPTCHA plugin
- Default GDPR consent field for free version of Newsletter plugin
- Ability to link an autoresponder to form/s as well
- Make reCAPTCHA multilingual
- Option/setting to process and delete all emails in bounce mailbox
- Allow pages post type to be used in latest posts subscriptions
- Multilingual subscribe/confirm redirect URL
- Unsubscribe bulk action under Newsletters > Subscribers
- Setting to create custom field options with CSV import when they don’t exist
- “Prevent autoresponders” checkbox on import
- Setting to import the main stylesheet (style.css) of the WordPress theme
- Delete subscribers in a mailing list
- SendGrid API upgrade to version 3
- Updated DKIM Crypt RSA library
- CKEditor update to 4.9.2
- Improved encoding detection on importing
- Log autoresponders on created date of subscriber, not import date
- Automatically check newly created mailing list using dialog
- Make importing of custom field options not case-sensitive
- Edit and drag icons on subscribe form builder fields
- Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed
- PHP FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL not always accurate
- Redirect back to referrer after checking bounces manually
- DKIM private_string
- Delete bounce email notification if subscriber isn’t found
- Remove eval() from premade themes installation
- Put ISO country codes in countries database table
- Possible to insert a space to validate a not empty custom field
- Activation link not in message when importing
- Encoding issue when switching to newsletter builder
- reCAPTCHA not working with non-ajax subscribe forms
- Subscriber values get reset when saving in admin
- Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_languages_list() on null
- Color picker broken in some sections
- Mailing list/s not pre-checked when editing custom field
- Selecting a post from “Single Post” doesn’t do anything
- Link in custom field description breaks
- grecaptcha.render is not a function Javascript error
- Fields not deleting from forms when deleted
- reCAPTCHA deprecated constructor warning
- DKIM broken and not working
- Very long paragraphs break layout
- Latest posts subscription to paid list/s sends to expired subscribers
- Manage Subscriptions with only profile not showing content immediately
- Multiple clicks recorded when clicking on unsubscribe link
- SparkPost links broken
- Not sending multi-part emails with SendGrid (only HTML)
- Autoresponders are sending out with import
- Autoresponder emails sometimes send twice
- Shortcodes don’t work in custom TEXT version of newsletter
- Empty bounce action in some cases
- Delete subscriber from unsubscribe not working
- Bounces reset on subscriber edit
- Email address shows twice on subscriber view page in admin
- Unsubscribe all link problem
- Conflict with WooCommerce outdated Select2 dropdowns
- Using recurring + scheduled together causes confusion
- Serial key issue with WPML and subdomains/different domains
- Auto create lists during import creates multiple lists
WordPress Plugins
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