WooCommerce Products in Newsletters
How to insert WooCommerce Products into the WordPress Newsletter plugin.
UPDATE: There is now an updated and improved method of displaying WooCommerce products in newsletters.
WooCommerce Products in Newsletters
To display products in newsletters, you can insert posts into newsletters normally and use the “Product” custom post type.
Here is an example:
Displaying Prices and other Product Values
You can display certain values of the products inside the newsletter such as price for example.
Go to Newsletters > Configuration > System Emails and edit the “Posts” system email template. Then you can add a shortcode to the template to display a WooCommerce product price for each product. Here is the shortcode you can add:
Other WooCommerce meta keys you can use:
- _price
- _stock_status
- _downloadable
- _wpuf_form_id
- _edit_lock
- _edit_last
- _visibility
- total_sales
- _virtual
- _product_image_gallery
- _regular_price
- _sale_price
- _tax_status
- _tax_class
- _purchase_note
- _featured
- _weight
- _length
- _width
- _height
- _sku
- _product_attributes
- _sale_price_dates_from
- _sale_price_dates_to
- _sold_individually
- _stock
- _backorders
- _manage_stock
- _file_paths
- _download_limit
- _download_expiry
- linked_item
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