Newsletters Config: General Mail Settings

Newletters > Configuration > General > General Mail Settings

General Mail Settings

1. Administrator Email

This is the email that will be used as the Administrator’s email account. All admin notifications from the plugin are sent to this email address. Your From address (see below) can be a different email which is used to send the emails.

2. From Name

This is the Name of the Person who sent the Newsletter. The name of the website/business that you’re sending from. This value will appear in the “From” field of your recipients’ email-/webmail client. By default, your blog name is used for this value. You will be able to specify multilingual From Names when using more than one languages for sending newsletters.

3. From Address

This is the email that the client will see the email coming from. i.e. Who sent the Newsletter. The email address from which emails will be sent. If you’re going to use SMTP authentication, please try to keep the SMTP Username the same as this value. By default, your WordPress administrator email is used for this. You will be able to specify multilingual From Addresses when using more than one languages for sending newsletters.

4. Different Reply to

Tick the checkbox and set a different reply to address. The default “reply to” is the same as the From Address

5. Reply to Address

Fill in a valid email address which will be used when readers reply to an email/newsletter.

6. BCC Outgoing Emails

Tick the “Yes, BCC an email address on all outgoing emails” checkbox to enable this option.

7. BCC Email Address

Fill in a valid email address to BCC on all outgoing emails.

8. Read Tracking

This set to “On” by default and allows you to invisibly track newsletters to tell you how many emails were (not) read. This tracking is imbedded inside the Newsletter automatically when turned on. Remember that you have to put the shortcode [wpmltrack] into your email/newsletter or theme in order for an email to be tracked.

9. Tracking Image ALT

Fill in the text to show as ALT attribute on the tracking image. If it’s left empty, no ALT attribute will be defined/shown.

10. Tracking Image

Choose the tracking image you want to use in the newsletter. You can use a custom image/logo or use an invisible image.

11. Tracking Image/Logo

If you chose custom image/logo in step 6, then you can upload your custom image here.

12. Click Tracking

The click tracking will convert your links to unique shortlinks automatically. When the links are clicked inside the newsletters, the link, email and subscriber is tracked to create statistics.



13. Mail Type

This set to “WP Mail” by default and allows you to select what type of protocol is used when sending out email. The other two options are SMTP and API. WP Mail is the best setting as it sends through your wp_mail() function and is most likely to work without problems. It is the most reliable.

Click this link to view the API documentation.

13. SMPT Host Name

This is your SMTP hostname provided by your hosting provider. Please consult your hosting provider or SMTP server provider for the appropriate hostname to fill in accordingly.

14. SMTP Port.

You will need a SMTP port to connect to. This is mostly on port 25. Please consult your hosting provider or SMTP server provider for the appropriate SMTP port.

15. SMTP Protocol

This is the protocol over which the SMTP connection will be made. The option “None” is recommended as this will usually be sufficient. If you are using Amazon SES for example, then you would need to choose “TLS”. If you have any difficulties connecting to SMTP, it may be due to this protocol setting, in which case you should contact your SMTP provider to ask which protocol (if any) is needed.

16. SMTP Authentication

Some SMTP servers have the requirement of a username and password for it to authenticate a connection. You should set this setting to “ON” if your SMTP server has that requirement.

17. SMTP Username

This field is only visible if “On” has been selected for #10 (“SMTP Authentication”). In the provided field you must provide the Username that was given to you by your SMTP provider in order to complete the authentication.

18. SMTP Password

This field is only visible if “On” has been selected for #10 (“SMTP Authentication”). In the provided field you must provide the Password that was given to you by your SMTP provider in order to complete the authentication.


19. DKIM Signing

If activated this adds DKIM signing to your outgoing emails. DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) lets an organization take responsibility for a message that is in transit.  The organization is a handler of the message, either as its originator or as an intermediary. Their reputation is the basis for evaluating whether to trust the message for further handling, such as delivery. Technically DKIM provides a method for validating a domain name identity that is associated with a message through cryptographic authentication

20. DKIM Domain

This should be the domain name that you are sending emails from – the same one used by the “From Address” value.

21. DKIM Selector

Enter any string consisting of letters only here.

22. DKIM Private Key

The DKIM Private key that is generated by running the DKIM Wizard (see point 20 below) should be entered here.

23. Test Email Settings

Clicking this button will open up the Test Email Settings Utility so that you can test the currently configured mail settings. Useful for seeing if your currently configured mail settings are correct – it takes the values from the fields even if it is not what is currently saved as the configuration.

24. Run DKIM Wizard

This utility assists you in setting up DKIM signing for your “From” email address. Click the button and follow the three steps of the wizard carefully.

DKIM Wizard

Step 1: Save the private key

Newsletters: DKM Wizard Step 1

This is the first step of the DKIM Wizard that opens in a lightbox window after clicking the “Run DKIM Wizard” button. A “Private Key” is generated, which is automatically inserted into the “DKIM Private Key” input field in “General Mail Settings.”

Step 2: Configure your DNS

Newsletters: DKIM Wizard Step 2

This is the second step of the DKIM Wizard that generates the code to be used in order to create a DNS entry on the mail server. Instructions are provided on how to do that, as well as a link to check the status of the DNS once the entry had been created. Only once that has been done and checked, should the “All done, next step >>” button be clicked.

Step 3: Verify the DKIM setup

Newsletters: DKIM Wizard Step 3

This third and final step of the DKIM Wizard gives an email address to be used for verification of the DKIMsetup. It should be copied to a text document or something, and the the “Finished, save the settings >>” button should be clicked. This button will end the DKIM Wizard and also save the Newsletter plugin’s configuration settings.

The email address given on the last step of the DKIM Wizard can then be used to verify the DKIM settings by using the Test Email Settings utility to send a test email to that address. The “From” email address as configured in the plugin will then receive the results soon after.

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