Newsletter: Save a Mailing List


1. List Title

This list title/name will be shown throughout the shop to both yourself as administrator and to the customers viewing the front of your shop. Choose this title carefully in order for it to be understandable by your customers viewing your products. Keep the title below 150 characters.

2. Private List

This is set to ‘No’ by default. Setting this to Yes will make the Mailing List Private which will prevent it from being shown on the front-end of the site to users. In other words, it is for internal use only.

3. Custom Fields

Check the boxes that you want the user to fill in when subscribing to your mailing list. The ticked custom fields will show up when those mailing lists are embedded on the site.

4. Group

Groups are defined in the “Newsletters > Groups” section. You must first create one in order to see it when editing a mailing list and to add mailing lists to it. Groups allow you to categorize your mailing lists. Useful, for example, when offering a multilingual site. This way you can have multiple lists per language and categorize them all together into groups defined as each language. If you have any groups, you can choose one for this mailing list.

5. Double Opt-In

Specify if double opt in is needed for a specific mailing list. Double opt in is a confirmation email with a link that needs te be accepted before activation. This is only applicable if “require activation” is turned on under Newsletters> Configuration> Subscribers> Subscription Behaviour as shown in image below.


6. Confirm Redirect URL

Set a confirm redirect URL per mailing list. This is the redirect path upon successfully subscribed to the mailing list. Leave empty for default global behaviour set under Newsletters > Configuration > Subscribers > Subscription Behaviour.

7. Paid List

This is set to ‘No’ by default. Clicking yes will make the list a paid list and allow to enter an amount for “Subscription price” and “Subscription Interval” see number 5.

8. Subscription Price

This field will only be able visible if ‘Yes’ is ticked in number 4. This allows you to set a price for subscribing to the mailing list. It works in conjunction with the Subscription Interval in #6 explained below.

9. Subscription Interval

This is a drop down menu which sets the interval of payment for subscribing to this mailing list. The subscribers will each be respectively billed on this interval with the subscription price as the amount set in #5.

Options are:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Every Two Months
  • Every Three Months
  • Twice Yearly (Six Months)
  • Every Nine Months
  • Yearly
  • Once Off

10. Max Emails per Interval

Specify the number of emails/ newsletters a paid subscriber may receive on this mailing list before it stops sending.

11. Administrator Email

The site admin is set to receive notifications when certain actions execute in the plugin. For example, they will be emailed when a new person subscribers to one of the mailing lists. You can also have a Mailing List Admin Email per mailing list, this person is also emailed when events happen related to the particular list.

12. Save Button

Clicking the “Save Mailing List” button will save your changes.

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