Newsletter: View Email Snippet

Newsletters > Email Snippets > View Snippet

Newsletters: View Email Snippet
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This section allows you to view and change an email snippet before using it. Email snippets are handy for sending custom emails that you use over and over again. They are different from Newsletters.

1. Send

Clicking this button  will take you to the Newsletter > Create Newsletter and allow you to send the snippet out as an email.

2. Change

Clicking this button  will take you to the Newsletter > Save a Snippet screen and allow you to make changes.

3. Delete

Clicking this button  will take you to delete the email snippet permanently. You will be asked to confirm the deletion.

4. Summary

This is a summary of the email snippet and shows the Title, when it was created, when it was modified and how many times it has been sent out.

5. Snippet

This is the actual snippet as it will be sent out. Note in the above example a picture has been used with links to a site and a shortcode to personalise the email.

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