Newsletters: Send Post/Page as Newsletter
Send a WordPress post, page or custom post as a newsletter.
If you have the WordPress Newsletter plugin installed on your WordPress website, you can send posts/pages as newsletters when publishing/updating.
The box in the image below can be seen in the Add/Edit Post/Page screen below the text editor. If you have any of the conditions filled out in this box then clicking the Publish/Update button will begin the send/queue of the newsletter.
Future Scheduled Posts
Any WordPress posts scheduled to publish on a future date/time can still be sent as a newsletter. When you schedule a post, still choose the Newsletter plugin settings under “Send as Newsletter” (as explained below) and when WordPress automatically publishes the post, it will be queued as a newsletter.
Send as Newsletter
1. Yes, send this post as a newsletter
Check/uncheck to send/don’t send the post/page as Newsletter.
2. Edit The Template Used
The system email layout used for sending a post/page as a newsletter can be changed according to your needs. Click the button to edit it.
3. Language
Choose available language
4. Subject
Enter the subject or leave it empty. If you leave it empty, the post title will be used automatically.
5. Full/Excerpt of Post
Choose whether the full post or only an excerpt should be used.
6. Show Date/Author
Choose whether to show post meta such as date and author
7. Select Template
Select desired email template to use.
8. Select Mailing List/s
Choose one or more mailing lists from available mailing lists.
WordPress Plugins
Start selling products, sending newsletters, publishing ads, and more through your own WordPress website using our premium WordPress plugins.