WordPress Newsletter Plugin v3.6.7
WordPress Mailing List Plugin v3.6.7 Release Notes. Please note that this version has been developed and released specifically for the WordPress 2.7 platform. Using this version with earlier builds of WordPress might result in unexpected results.
- Complete WordPress 2.7 Integration
- Tiny MCE WYSIWYG editor visual mode fixed.
- Draggable meta boxes capability now correctly utilized.
- Include meta/custom fields from posts in newsletters.
- “post_id” can now be used in hardcoded template to get post specific data.
- Ability to save newsletter drafts to History.
- Turn on/off socket connections when using PHP mail function (GoDaddy Fix).
- Fixed a broken link in the plugin overview/dashboard for mailing lists.
- Assign -and Set lists bulk actions in “Subscribers” section.
- INSERT queries no longer specify “id” field. sql_mode compatibility fix.
- Header issue causing blank screen when publishing/updating post fixed.
- Auto check “No” radio button for “Register” when adding a subscriber in admin.
- Subscription form TABINDEX issues fixed. Good riddance!
- Ability to turn on/off paid subscriptions in “Settings” section.
- Ability to turn on/off newsletters RSS feed in “Settings”. (Simple Tags Fix).
- Newsletters RSS feed bug fix preventing feed from showing.
- History emails can now be edited. Similar to draft saving feature.
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