Newsletters Config: Sending Settings

Newsletters > Configuration > General > Sending Settings


1. Ajax Sending/Queueing Process

If set to “On” this setting will enqueue/send a newly added newsletter using an Ajax process that allows the administrator to see the process happening via a progress bar on the page. This setting should ideally be turned off if the mailing list is large since it could cause the process to time out.

2. Preview

When you create or edit a newsletter under Newsletters > Create Newsletter, there is a “Preview” box which periodically updates and shows what the newsletter will look like. You can turn this feature On or Off here according to your needs.

3. Spam Score

Turn the spam score utility on or off while creating a newsletter.

4. Newsletter Images Post ID

For newsletters to contain images that are uploaded via the editor’s “Add Media” function, the images are saved to an existing WordPress post. This post can be either published or draft.

5. Email Encoding

This feature allows to change the encoding of outgoing emails. The options are:
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6. Auto Inline Styles

Turning this on will take your STYLE tags CSS and automatically apply it as inline styles upon sending.  The purpose of inline styles is cross-client compatibility. Some email/webmail clients do not support style tags and requires inline CSS to display the email properly.

7. Send Multipart Emails

Some email clients are capable of viewing HTML format emails, while others can only view plain text emails. setting this option to “Yes” will send emails in both formats, allowing the email client to decide which to use.

8. Template in text Version

Select this checkbox if you need to include the theme content in the TEXT version of your newsletter.

9. Email Priority

This setting determines the email priority to display to the recipient. The options are:
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10. Enable Shortlinks

Turning on this setting will automatically replace all links contained in the email body with shortlinks for tracking purposes. A account (free) is required. You can get your Login and API key from your account


11. Embedded Images.

Turning on this setting enables images to be embedded into the email rather than loading the images from their remote URLs. Enabling this feature requires the Embedded Images extension plugin for the Newsletter plugin to be installed and activated.

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