Add Popup
Popups>Add Popup
Add New Popup
1.) Title
Please enter a title for your popup
2.) Popup Content Source
You will be able to select 1 of 4 content sources to display in your popup:
a.) Create a popup using the WYSIWYG editor – You will be able to add any information or an image to the WYSIWYG editor to display in your popup.
b.) Display a WP post or Page: You can display any WordPress page or post in your popup by adding the post/page id into the field provided.
c.) Display a Widget: You will be able to select one of your widgets to display in your popup.
d.) Display an external webpage: If you want to display any external webpage in your popup, you will be able to insert the url of that site.
3.) Device Detection
Select the device on which you want the popup to display, you can display it on a mobile, tablet and desktop device.
4.) Popup Triggers
In this section of the plugin you will be able to set triggers on when and to whom your popup should display.
What should cause the popup to display?
a.) Shortcode Tag in a Page or Post: [ppopup id=”{popup_id}”]link text[/ppopup] – If you only wants to display this popup on a certain post or page on a link. Add this shortcode on the page and the popup will trigger on the link. [ppopup id=”{popup_id}”]link text[/ppopup]
b.) A Template Tag: <?php the_ppopup(‘{popup_id}’, ‘link text’); ?> – You can trigger a popup with a template tag in your theme by adding this php code to a template file: <?php the_ppopup(‘{popup_id}’, ‘link text’);
c.) On Page Load (popup displays once the web page has loaded) – If you want to display the popup on page load, set this setting.
d.) On Cursor off Page (moving the cursor off the browser window to the top) – Select this setting if you want to display the popup when you move the cursor off the browser window to the top.
e.) When a user enters the Site from a search engine. – If you need to display this popup on a user that enters the site from a search engine, select this setting.
Show popups only in specific posts or pages:
a.) Show Popup Only for Specific Post Types – You can display the popup only only specific post types, eg. category, single post/page, home page, archive.
b.) Show Popup Only in These Posts/Pages -You can display the popup only on specific pages by specifying the page id’s in the box provided.
c.) Show Popup Only over Specific Page URL(s) – To show a popup only on a specific page with specific url, you can insert the domain.
d.)Show Popup Everywhere
Hide popup:
a.) Hide Popup for Specific Post Types – You can hide the popup only only specific post types, eg. category, single post/page, home page, archive.
b.) Hide Popup in These Posts/Pages – You can hide the popup only on specific pages by specifying the page id’s in the box provided.
c.) Hide Popup over Specific Page URL(s) – To hide a popup only on a specific page with specific url, you can insert the domain.
d.) Disabled – Always show the popup
Show to users – Which type of user should the popup be displayed to?
a.) Administrators Only (use this option to fine-tune your popup on the site before making it available to everyone)
b.) Guests Only (non-logged-in users)
c.) All Logged In Users – Show the popup only to logged in users
d.) All Users – Show popup to all users that visit the site
e.) Logged In Users, and Below Include Guests – Select the user role to which you want the popup to display
5.) Close Triggers
In this section of the plugin you will be able to set triggers for closing your popup.
Show “Close” Button? Display a button for the visitor to close the popup?
a.) Show a close button at the bottom of the popup with text – You can add any text
b.) Show a close ‘X’ button in the upper right corner
Close Popup – More options for closing of the popup
a.) Close Automatically After Seconds – Add the time in seconds for when the popup should close automatically
b.) Close When User Clicks Anywhere Outside of Popup (do not use if you plan on setting the popup as modal)
c.) Close Popup When User Presses the ESC Key
Redirect on Close
a.) Select Yes or No if you want to redirect your page on the close button
b.) Add your redirect url – the site will redirect to this url after closing the popup.
6.) Style and Position Popup
In this section of the plugin you will be able to style and position your popup with different settings.
7.) Effects
Set different effect for your popup. You will be able to set an effect for appear and disappear.
8.) Visits Tracking & Logging
Specify settings how you want to track visits on a page with a popup.
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